
Science of immunology is developing rapidly with the help of developing Technologies and techniques in recent years. The immune system, main research area of immunology has a vital importance in all living organisms.

The immune system has the capacity to recognise and elimine non-self antigens with the help of versatile operation and balance between its innate and adaptive branches. In our country, research of basic immunology both in health and biology sciences has great importance. Science of Immunology converts studies in various areas like allergic diseases, infectious diseases (AIDS, viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases), new vaccines, initiation of cancer, primary and secondary immune deficiencies and their therapy, development and therapy of autoimmune and rheumatologic disorders, solid organ and bone marrow transplantation.

The first Immunology department of Turkey was founded in Istanbul University, Aziz Sancar Institute of Experimental Medicine. Department has flow cytometry, cell and tissue culture, immunofluorescent, Elisa and cell sorting units, which are utilized for studies like allergy, transplantation immunology, tuberculosis immunology and also for collaborations with other departments for neuroimmunology and tumor immunology research. The mentioned units are used both for Project-based research and routine works. Flow cytometry unit was first established in Immunology Department of IEM, Istanbul University in 1989 and lots of studies were converted with the system. Accumulated knowledge of flow cytometry is being transferred to the participants in “Applicational Flow Cytometry Courses”, which are held annually from 1995. 23th course was held in 2017 and participants are from all round Turkey. The courses organised by department of Immunology are preliminary for new users and provide great knowledge exchange for experienced users and also supports a good atmosphere for new colloborations for projects. Interactive courses blending theoretical and practical studies are held in June of each year.

Department of Immunology converts MSc and PhD education together with Istanbul University, Institute for Health Sciences.

Department of Immunology continues educational activities together with routine and project-based research studies and by following rapidly developing science of immunology, department contributes development of immunology science in Turkey.



Müfredat, İstanbul Üniversitesi Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü İmmünoloji Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyeleri tarafından İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi ve Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğretim üyeleri ile işbirliği içinde hazırlanmıştır.

İmmünoloji yüksek lisans ve doktora eğitim programlarında sırasıyla bir yıl ve iki yıl süresince öğrenciler yoğun teorik ve pratik dersler görmektedir. Eğitimin başlamasını takiben öğrenciler DETAE İmmünoloji Anabilim Dalı tarafından her hafta düzenlenen dergi kulübü ve seminerlere katılmakta ve bizzat kendileri de yayın sunmakta ve seminer vermektedir. Öğrenciler tez çalışmalarını laboratuvarda her aşamasından bizzat sorumlu olarak tamamlamaktadır.


Türk İmmünoloji Derneği tarafından düzenlenen gerek kurs gerekse tek bir konuyu detayı ile irdeleyen konu başlıklı çalıştaylara katılmalarının sağlanması ile öğrencilerin gündemi yakalamaları sağlanmaktadır. Öğrencilerin sunum becerilerini arttırmaları amacıyla bu tarz kurslara gönderilmelerine ortam sağlanarak bu becerilerini geliştirmeleri sağlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla DETAE bünyesinde “Uygulamalı Flow Sitometri Eğitimi” , ” Deney Hayvanları Kullanım Sertifikası Eğitim Programı ” vs. kurslar düzenlenmektedir.



İmmünoloji Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora eğitiminde öğrencinin makale okuma, anlatma, seminer verme, yayın takibi gibi kişisel becerileri kazanmanın yanı sıra İmmünoloji alanında bilimsel olarak yetiştirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.



Diyabet ve Otoimmün Hastalıklar Adacık hücre transplantasyonu Astım ve Allerji Astımda doğal öldürücü hücrelerin ölüm mekanizmaları Enfeksiyon İmmünolojisi ve Tüberküloz Tüberküloz immünolojisi Nk hücre ve hücre alt grupları NK hücrelerinin fenotipik karakterizasyonu Flow Sitometri Flow sitometrik yöntemler Tümör İmmünolojisi

Under Construction


The department specially emphasizes the teaching of flow cytometry, radioimmunoassay, indirect immunfluorescence, cell culture and sorting. Flow cytometry is a commonly used technique in the department, being utilized by both graduate students and academic staff alike. It’s also an essential part of our diagnostic laboratory. The main uses of flow cytometry are immunophenotyping of leucocytes, detection of anti-platelet antibodies in immunomediated thrombocytopenia, neutrophil functions (phagocytosis, oxidative burst and chemotaxis) and cell proliferation assays.


Since 1995, the department has been running flow cytometry courses for postgraduate students and members of various universities. These courses address the importance of flow cytometry in modern cell biology. An advanced English flow cytometry meeting was also held in 2007 in collaboration with the Miami University, USA.

For more information, please contact Assoc. Prof. Gaye Erten

Tel : (+90212) – 414 20 00 / 33355 Mail :

Murat KOŞER   


Adil Meriç ALTINÖZ       

Nilgün SALLAKÇI             

Hüseyin ÇOBAN              

Sabiha Leyla Pur ÖZYİĞİT            

Nuh Mehmet ŞAHİN    

Pınar KASAPOĞLU         

Ayşe Bilge ÖZTÜRK        

Celal Altuğ DÜZGÜNGÜ              


Çağdaş Uğur ADAŞ        

Hatice Kübra AKAY        


Mehtap ÜLKER

Mortaza ABDOLLAHVAND         

Meral GÜNALDI              

Mustafa DEMİRTÜRK   

Nurcan ÇIRAK  

Ufuk Oğuz İDİZ


Fatih ÖREM



İlker İnanç BALKAN

Fehim ESEN




Fatma Betül ÖKTELİK

Ayşe Gülfem SALT