Laboratory Animals Science
The Department of Laboratory Animals Science has been established in 1994 as one of the five departments in Aziz Sancar Institute of Experimental Medicine. The Laboratory Animal Facility of The Department was certificated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Village Affairs in 2008 by fulfilling the requirements mentioned in the directory of “Laboratory Animal Facilities and Testing Laboratories Establishment, Procedures, Control Issues”. After being certified, the department has become the first and only authorized centre for animal supply, use and breeding in Istanbul University and the infrastructure of animal facility was improved by the support of The Research Fund of Istanbul University. The technical equipments for housing, breeding and post-operative care of genetically and microbiologically defined animals and animal disease models are funded. Experimental Animal Biology and Biomedical Application Techniques Department also continues its academic activities by organizing courses for “The Use of Laboratory Animals” and giving post-graduate education programs.
The mission of the department is to achieve international standards of laboratory animal housing, care and breeding of animals and provide service to research institutes with experienced academic and personnel staff.
Star Blok-Kopolimer Kaplanmış Kürküminin Nöro Koruyucu Özelliklerinin Araştırılması, TÜBİTAK (Proje No: 7100482, Devam ediyor).
İstanbul Üniversitesi Laboratuar Hayvanları Üretim Kapasitesi ve Araştırma Altyapı Olanaklarının Geliştirilmesi ve İstanbul Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi, (GP No:2800; Devam ediyor).
Ankaferd Blood Stoper(ABS)’ın Sıçanlarda Batın içi Adezyonlara Etkisi (Devam ediyor)
Preeklampsi/eklampsi Sıçan Modelinde Mn-Süperoksit Dismutaz’ın Beyin Damar Geçirgenliğine Etkileri (İ.Ü. BAP P No:2321; Devam ediyor).
Omega-3 ve D3 vitamininin Langerhans adacık transplantasyonu sonrası graft sağ kalımı üzerine etkisi (İ.Ü. BAP Birimi P.No: 3950306).
Keten Tohumu uygulamasının Langerhans adacık allotransplantasyonuna etkisi (İ.Ü. BAP Birimi P. No: BYP-7222406).
Diyabetik yapılmış ve yapılmamış Wistar albino sıçanlarda akut ve kronik egzersizin kan şekeri, T, B, hücreleri, IL-1 Beta, IL-6, IL-10 ve TNF alfa üzerine etkisi.( (İ.Ü. BAP Birimi P.No: 464).
Effects of Sodium valproate on BBB during febrile seizures in rats with CD. (Sanofi Aventis Firması tarafından desteklenmektedir, Devam ediyor)
The Effects of Topiramate on Febril Seizures in Rats with Cortical Dysplasia. (Devam ediyor)
Kortikal Malformasyonlu Yavru Sıçanlarda Tekrarlanan Hipertermik Nöbetlerin Kan Beyin Bariyeri Üzerine Etkileri. (Devam ediyor)
Effects of Lamotrigine on Blood-Brain Barrier Disturbances Following Hyperthermia in Rats with Cortical Dysplasia. (Devam ediyor)
Effects of Valproic Acid on Blood-Brain Barrier Disturbances Following Hyperthermia in Rats with Cortical Dysplasia. (Devam ediyor)
Effects of Vagal Nevre Stimulation (VNS) on the Kindling Epileptogenesis and Blood-Brain Barrier İntegrty in Rats with Cortical Dysplasia. (Devam ediyor)
Antioksidan Ajan Selenyumun steroid ile beraber yüksek ses kaynaklı işitme kayıplarında koruyucu etkisinin steroid ve plasebo ile karşılaştırılması.(Devam ediyor)
Pankreas Endokrin Ve Ekzokrin Enzim Pompası Cihazı (Mayıs 2012-Mayıs 2014)
Kainik asit ile oluşturulan temporal lop epilepsi hayvan modelinde kan-beyin bariyeri (Aralık 2011-Aralık 2012)
Oral curcumin uygulamasının yağlı diyetle indüklenmiş obez sıçan karaciğerindeki proteomik değişimlere ve oksidan-antioksidan statuse etkisi. (Devam ediyor)
Yaban Mersininin Yüksek Kolesterollü Diyetle Beslenen Kobaylarda Plazma Karaciğer ve Aortada Lipit Düzeyleri ve Oksidatif Stres Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi.(Devam Ediyor)
Yaban Mersininin Alkolik Karaciğer Hasarı ve Oksidatif Stres Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. (Devam Ediyor)
Aterosklerozun İlaç Kombinasyonuyla Tedavisi.(Devam ediyor)
Klonlama Tekniği ile Ttransgenik Koyun Embriyolarının Elde Edilmesi (2006-)
Transgenik Embriyo Üretimi İçin Koç Spermatozoonlarının Farklı Yöntemlerle Transfekte Edilmesi (2007-)
Koç sperminin liyofilizasyonu ve intrasitoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonu. (2010-)
Transgenik koyun elde edilmesi için ICSI transgenesis yönteminin araştırılması. (2011-)
Odemis S., Tüzün E., Gulec H., Semiz U.B., Daşdemir S., Küçük M., et al.,”Association Between Polymorphisms of DNA Repair Genes and Risk of Schizophrenia”, GENETIC TESTING AND MOLECULAR BIOMARKERS, vol.20, pp.11-17, 2016
Cosar C.B., Küçük M., Celik E., Gonen T., Akyar I., Serteser M., et al., “Microbiologic, Pharmacokinetic, and Clinical Effects of Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking on Experimentally Induced Pseudomonas Keratitis in Rabbits”, CORNEA, vol.34, pp.1276-1280, 2015
Orhan N., Yilmaz C.U., Ekizoglu O., Ahishali B., Arican N., Küçük M., et al.,”The effects of superoxide dismutase mimetic MnTMPyP on the altered blood-brain barrier integrity in experimental preeclampsia with or without seizures in rats”, BRAIN RESEARCH, vol.1563, pp.91-102, 2014 (Link)(Abstract)
Ozcan PE, Senturk E, Esen F, Orhun G, Gumru S, Arican N, Orhan N, Yılmaz CU, Kaya M, Arıcıoglu F. Effects of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy on behavior deficits and functions in cecal ligation-puncture induced sepsis model in rats: a randomized, controlled, experimental study. Ann Intensive Care. 5(1):62, 2015.
Orhan N, Ugur Yılmaz C, Ahishali B, Kuçuk M, Arican N, Elmas I, Gürses C, Kaya M. Effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate on brain vascular permeability in rats with traumatic brain injury. Brain Research, 1631: 113-126, 2016. IF: 3,01
Gromnicova R, Yilmaz CU, Orhan N, Kaya M, Davies H, Williams P, Romero IA, Sharrack B, Male D. Localisation and mobility of glucose-coated gold nanoparticles within the brain. Nanomedicine (Lond), 11(6):617-25, 2016. IF: 4,889
Sahin D, Ugur Yilmaz C, Orhan N, Gurses C, Ahishali B, Arican N, Küçük M, Elmas I, Ates N, Kaya M. Changes in electroencephalographic characteristics and blood-brain barrier permeability in WAG/Rij rats with cortical dysplasia. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Jan 12;67:70-76.
Esen F, Orhun G, Ergin Özcan P, Senturk E, Kucukerden M, Giris M, Akcan U, Ugur Yılmaz C, Orhan N, Arıcan N, Kaya M, Bilgic Gazioğlu S, Erdem Tuzun. Neuroprotective effects of intravenous immunoglobulin are mediated through inhibition of complement activation and apoptosis in a rat model of sepsis. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2017 Dec;5(1):1.
Tatar S, Orhan N, Yilmaz CU, Arican N, Ahishali B, Kucuk M, Toklu AS Kaya M. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for five days increases blood-brain barrier permeability. Journal Of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, 2017. (Accepted)
Ugur Yılmaz C, Kaya M. Epilepsi Hayvan Modelleri. Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi, Turkiye Klinikleri J Neurol-Special Topics 2017;10(1):30-4.
Gürses, C Orhan, N Ahishali, B Yılmaz, C Kemikler, G Elmas, I Cevik, A Kuçuk, M Arican, N Kaya, M. Topiramate Reduces Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption and Inhibits Seizure Activity in Hyperthermia-Induced Seizures in Rats with Cortical Dysplasia. Brain Res. 2013 Volume 1494 Pages 91-100
Kaya M., Orhan N., Karabacak E., Bahçaci E M., Arican N., Ahıshalı B., Kemikler G., Uslu A., Çevik A., Uğur Yılmaz C., Küçük M., Gürses C. Vagus nerve stimulation inhibits seizure activity and protects blood–brain barrier integrity in kindled rats with cortical dysplasia. Life Sciences.2013 Volume 92 Issues 4-6, Pages 298-297
Çoban J, Evran B, Özkan F, Çevik A, Doğru-Abbasoğlu S, Uysal M . Effect of Blueberry Feeding on Lipids and Oxidative Stress in the Serum, Liver and Aorta of Guinea Pigs Fed on a High-Cholesterol Diet. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry Vol. 77(2013)(2):389-391.
Öner-İyidoğan Y., Koçak H.,Seyidhanoğlu M., Gürdöl F., Gülçubuk A.,Yildirim F., Çevik A.,Uysal M. Curcumin prevents liver fat accumulation and serum fetuin-A increase in rats fed a high-fat diet. J Physiol Biochem 2013 DOI 10.1007/s13105-013-0244-9
Ahiskali B, Kaya M, Orhan N, Arican N, Ekizoglu O, Elmas I, Kucuk M, Kemikler G, Kalayci R, Gurses C. Effects of levetiracetam on blood-brain barrier disturbances following hyperthermia-induced seizures in rats with cortical dysplasia, Life Science, 87 (19-22):609-19, 2010.
Birler, S., Pabuccuoğlu, S., Demir, K., Cirit, U., Karaman, E., Bacınoğlu, S., Özdaş, Ö.B., Evecen, M., Alkan, S., Baran, A., Bakırer, G., Hamzaoğlu,A.İ, Özcan, C., Koçak, Ö., Kılıçarslan, R., Kaşıkçı, G., Toydemir, S., Dinç, H., Koban, E., Togan, İ., İleri, İ.K., Ak, K: Production of Cloned Lambs: Transfer of Early Cleavage Stage Embryos to Final Recipients J. Fac. Vet. Med. İstanbul Univ.36 (1), 1-8, 2010.
Gurol A.O., Okten-Kursun A. , Suzergoz F. , Kucuksezer U.C., Cevik A., Ornek O., Kaya S., Karsidag K., Deniz G., Malaisse W.J., Yilmaz M.T. IL-1β and glycemia levels are inversely proportional in early period of allo-and xenotransplantation of islets of Langerhans. Metabolic and Functional Research on Diabetes (Online) Vol 3: 15-19, 2010.
Avtan SM, Kaya M, Orhan N, Arslan A, Arican N, Toklu AS, Gurses C, Elmas I, Kucuk M, Ahishali B. The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Septic Rats. Brain Res, 1412(2011); 63-72.
Colak Y, Senates E, Ozturk O, Doganay HL, Coskunpinar E, Oltulu YM, Eren A, Sahin O, Ozkanlı S, Enc FY, Ulasoglu C, Tuncer I. Association of Serum Lipoprotein-AssociatedPhospholipase A2 Level with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2011 Nov 23.
Evecen, M., Cirit,Ü., Demir,K.,Hamzaoğlu,A.İ, Bakırer,G., Pabuccuoğlu, S., Birler,S.: Adding hormones sequentially could be an effective approach for IVM of dog oocytes. Theriogenology, 2011.
Gurses C, Karabacak E,Orhan N, Arican, N, Ahishali B, Kemikler G, Elmas I, Cevik A, Kucuk, M, Kaya, M. Effects of Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS) on the Kindling Epileptogenesis and Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity in Rats with Cortical Dysplasia. Epilepsia Vol: 52 SI P: 43-44 Suppl: 6, 2011.
M. Kaya, A. Çevik. Hayvan Deneylerinde Planlama ve Model Seçimi. DETAE Deneysel Tıp Dergisi (2011), 2; 36-39.
Evecen, M., Öztürk, E., Demir, K., Bakırer, G., Sandal, A.İ., Birler, S., Pabuccuoğlu,S., Ak, K.: Investigation of the Vitrification Ability of Mouse Embryos with Quartz Capillary (QC) Straws. J. Fac. Vet. Med. İstanbul Univ.38 (1), 9-13, 2012.
Note: Researchers are supposed to have permission from I.U. Ethical Committee if they demand animals from our laboratories. Demands from ohter universities will be considered if there is surpulus of production. Demands from other cities than Istanbul will be satisfied if the transport cages are send back and all the freight payments are made by the researcher.
The aim of our department is tor ise the quality standards of laboratory animal production by producing animals suitable for research, at enough numbers to satisfy the demands, high quality and healthy. The purpose is to develop new methods in experimental researches and introduce them to researcers use.
Routine facilities: Production, purification and keeping rabbit, rat, guinea pig and mouse strains.
Strains exists at our production and purification laboratories
Wistar Albino rats: ““HsdOla:WI” Wistal Albino rats have a good production performance and moderate growing rate and they are mainly used in teratologic, nutritional, toxicological, aging, oncological and general purposed experiments.
Wistar Hannover rats: “HsdRccHan:WIST ” Besides that they are used for general purposes they are also used in oncological, teratologic, pharmacological, nutritional and aging experiments. This strain is especially used in opthalmological researches for their cataract pathogenesis is very similar to humans.
Sprague Dawley rats: “Hsd: Sprague Dawley SD ” becouse of their production performance is high and they have many maternal advantages, they are widely produced. ” Besides that they are used for general purposes they are also used in toxicological,oncological, teratological, nutritional and aging experiments.
C57BL/6J mice: “C57BL/6JOlaHsd” They are preferred in many experiments because they give rise to many genetical and induced animal models. Besides that they are used for general purposes they are also used in toxicological, aging, coronary and heart diseases, superovulation, immunological and alcohol and morphine addiction experiments for their high tolerance.
BALB/c mice: “BALB/cOlaHsd” BALB/c mice are produced widely becouse of their high production performance and they are known to be resistant to allergic encephalomyelitis. They are used in Heart-vein diseases, production of monoclonal antibodies, toxicological, pharmacological, oncological, teratological and aging experiments and also for general purposes.
Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs: “HsdPoc:DH” Dunkin Hartley are used mainly in immunological, pharmacologic, biochemical and nutritional experiments. The are also used in hearing deficiency and vitamin deficiency researches.
New Zealand rabbits: “HsdIf:NZW” New Zealand Rabbits are produced widely for their convenience to general purposes and also they are used in atherosclerosis, teratologic and ophtalmological researces and antibody production.
Poster Presentation Award, First Place; Canan Uğur Yılmaz, Emine Taşkıran, Nurcan Orhan, Bülent Ahıshalı, Nadir Arıcan, İmdat Elmas, Mutlu Küçük, Mehmet Kaya, Candan Gürses. Blood-brain barrier changes in animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy induced by kainic. 9th National Epilepsy Congress, 14-16 May 2014, Antalya.
Oral Presentatiton Award, Third Place:Taşkıran E, Yılmaz CU, Kaya M, Orhan N, Arıcan N, Bahçeci MB, Küçük M, Gürses C. Long-term video-EEG monitoring in the temporal lobe epilepsy model generated with kainic acid. 29th National Clinical Neurphysiology EEG-EMG Congress, 2013, Antalya.
Article Awards, First Place: Rivaze Kalaycı, Turkish Chapter Of International League Against Epilepsy, 2008.
Research Awards, First Place: Mutlu Küçük, Aydın Çevik. Diabetes award.1992. Mustafa Nevzat-Lilly.
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Phone : +90 212 414 20 00 – 33375 / 33374