Molecular Medicine

The Department of Molecular Medicine at Istanbul University Institute of Experimental Medicine, is an interdiciplinary scientific branch that analyzes the molecular biology of cells and organisms, particularly from a medical point of view .
The primary objective of the Department of Molecular Medicine is to prepare junior scientist candidates in an active and innovative scientific environment for the high technology which is the actual necessity of our country, to guide the graduates to perform independent scientific research and consequently to increase their career chances in research institutes or biotechnology companies. Taking this issue into consideration, a great importance is given to postgraduate and doctorate degrees in education. The students completing their postgraduate studies at Molecular Medicine Department are awarded with being Associate Professor in Biochemistry, Medical Biology and Genetics fields.
The main research topics of Molecular Medicine Department are concentrated on molecular researches involved in hereditary and/or metabolic diseases which are common in Turkish population including Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, Diabetes and Alzheimer’s diseases. Another branch of the department is dedicated to cancer research. Free oxygen radicals, oxidant and antioxidant systems, lipid metabolism, detoxification systems, cell cycle and regulation mechanisms, inflammation, apoptosis, physiology, athletic performance, sports physiology, neuro-physiplogy, reproduction physiology, cardiovascular physiology are some of the researh areas in Department of Molecular Medicine.
Post graduate and doctoral programs are offered in the Department of Molecular Medicine under the aegis of the Institute of Health Sciences. Graduate students at the department carry out thesis research under the supervision of staff members. Generally, these students have completed their major course work and are engaged in full-time research and the results of all the researh have published as an article in international indexed journals. The students have also journal club, seminar and discussion time for proceeding new research areas, new techniques, and new concepts in molecular medical researches. The program allows young investigators to develop skills in research methodology and interpretation.
To date 62 graduates and 88 master’s and doctorate students have studied on Molecular Medicine Training program, and supported by training grants of the Istanbul University or by investigation research funds from the state.
Molecular Medicine Training program course consists of a series of lectures – 10 necessary and 7 elective courses including Biochemistry, Molecular Pharmacology, Cancer Biplogy and Genetics- and discussions intended to expand the training of junior scientists at the Department of Molecular Medicine.
The courses are necessary for understanding of
* The biochemical reactions and metabolic pathways formed in cell and organism,
* Identification of the laboratory conditions and experimental researches for applying the clinical tests,
* Identification of methods used in the clinical diagnosis and surveillance of diseases,
* Identification of molecular mechanism playing role in the etiopathogenesis of diseases,
* Identification of pharmacogenetic terms and molecular approaches in pharmacology,
* Identification of biochemical and molecular mechanisms taking place in cell-environment interaction,
* Identification of cell culture laboratory and the techniques used in cell culture,
* The system biology and endocrine system,
* Idefinition of molecular genetic techniques used in diagnosis of various diseases and,
* Identification of signal transduction mechanisms, cell cycle, apoptosis and factors associated with angiogenesis.
The postdoctoral training program course consists of a series of lectures and discussions intended to expand the training of junior scientists at the Department of Molecular Medicine. Traditionally, the faculties have been asked to provide in their lectures reviews of new research areas, new techniques, and new concepts in molecular medical researches. The issue emphasized at the Department of Molecular Medicine emphasis is more didactic than in most seminars and discussion groups.
Post Graduate
Necessary Courses: MOT 17033, MOT 17001, MOT 17002, MOT 17003, MOT 17004, MOT 17005, MOT 17006, MOT 17007, MOT 17008, MOT 17009, MOT 17010, , MOT 17021
Elective Courses: MOT 17011, MOT 17012, MOT 17013, MOT 17015, MOT 17016, MOT 17017, MOT 108, MOT 115
Necessary Courses: MOT 19034, MOT 19018, MOT 19022, MOT 19027, MOT 19028, MOT 19035, MOT 19036, MOT 19037, MOT 19039, MOT 207, MOT 215
Elective Courses: MOT 19019 , MOT 19023, MOT 19038, MOT 19040, MOT 19043, MOT 19044, MOT 209, MOT 213, MOT 214
* It is not required to continue to the courses taken in the master in doctorate period.
MOT 100: Seminar Course
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical
Credits: –
ECTS : 6
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: students own interest in the scientific topic is discussed in the classes with other students and lecturers
Aim: Introducing students to access the latest information in specific topics and gaining student to have an ability to literature presenting
MOT 17001: Basic Concepts of Biochemistry A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: The structure and functions of organelles, the structure and functions of cell membrane, water metabolism, acid-base and buffer solutions, the structural characteristics of amino acids, defining the structure and functions, structural characteristics of enzymes, the regulation of enzyme activity, enzyme inhibition and understanding of enzyme kinetics, bioenergetics, the role of citric acid cycle in metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation and analysis of ATP synthesis.
Aim: Introducing to biochemical reactions and macromolecular structures playing role in the biochemical reactions in the cell and organism
MOT 17002: Basic Concepts of Biochemistry B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 pratical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Structural characteristics and digestion of carbohydrates, glycolisis, glycogenesis, pentose phosphate pathway, analysis of fructose and galactose metabolism, control of the glycogenesis and blood sugar level, structural characteristics and digestion of lipids, lipoprotein metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, protein digestion and analysis urea cycle.
Aim: Understanding of cell constituents and the related metabolisms
MOT 17003: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Diseases A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 2
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Definition of the characteristics of body fluids, blood content and biochemistry, the structure of hemoglobin and hemoglobinopathies, the mechanism of action of hormones, , analysis of hormones in protein and amino acid structure and the related diseases, analysis of hormones in steroid structure, analysis of eicosanoids and related diseases, a general look to the cancer biochemistry, analysis of cholesterol metabolism and diseases
Aim: Çunderstanding of mechanisms underlying the basics of various metabolism diseases
MOT 17004: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Diseases B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 2
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Analysis of amino acid metabolism and related diseases, analysis of carbohydrate metabolism and diseases, analysis of coagulation system and related diseases, analysis of nervous system metabolism and diseases, muscle system metabolism, analysis of the liver and ethanol metabolism.
Aim: Understanding of the metabolisms underlying the basics of verious metabolism diseases
MOT 17005: Instrumental Analysis B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Molecular techniques in gene analysis, genetic markers, DNA and RNA analysis, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), mutation detection techniques, blotting techniques (Western, Southern, Northern), DNA microarray, Real time PCR, denaturated gradient gel electrophoresis techniques, HPLC technique, immunohistochemical techniques, flow cytometry, comperative genomic hybridisation, allel specific oligonucleotide hybridisation, in-situ hybridisation, protein analysis, a general look to recombinant DNA technology, cell cultre
Aim: Knowing the research techniques used in the molecular medicine field and the use areas of these techniques.
MOT 17006: Introduction to General Pharmacology and Toxicology A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 2
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Fundamental concepts of pharmacology, cell and organism respond against chemical agents, cellular localization of receptors, drug-receptor interactions, drug transportation through biological membranes, drug affects and metabolism, cellular membrane transport systems. Basic information of toxicology. The major drug classes affecting on the autonomic and central nervous system, and the basic mechanisms of action of these drugs.
Aim: Understanding of the basic concepts found in pharmacology and toxicology as well as the basics of drug effect mechanisms.
MOT 17007: Introduction to General Pharmacology and Toxicology B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 2
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Signal transduction system, G proteins and their functions, membran receptors and their functions, the changes arising as e result of receptor activation, toxic compounds, various chemicals associated and not associated with cancer and their toxic effect mechanisms on human health, toxicology and toxicogenetics.
Aim: Understanding of basic concepts of pharmacology, basics of drug-action mechanisms as well as the fundamentals of system pharmacology.
MOT 17008: Instrumental Analysis A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 3
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Introduction to instrumental analysis, general laboratory rules, basic concepts in analysis and detection systems, laboratory quality-control evaluation methods and clinical laboratory automation, general principles of research, buffer, pH and physiological solutions, electrochemical and chemical sensors, tissue homogenisation methods, centrifugation and separation of cellular fractions, colorimetric methods, photometric methods, spectrophotometric analysis methods, measurement of enzymatic activity , protein purification and detection methods, electrophotometric techniques, immunologic analysis methods, NMR, mass spectrometry, atomic absorption, a general look to the molecular diagnosis systems, introduction to DNA and RNA analysis methods, PCR analysis technique and its use areas, a general look to different PCR techniques, electrophoretic DNA analysis techniques.
Aim: Knowing the research techniques used in the molecular medicine field and the use areas of these techniques.
MOT 17009: Molecular Medicine A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Introduction to molecular medicine, the organic and inorganic structure elements of the cell, the regulation and mechanisms of biological events, structure and functions of cell organelles, cell responses to the environmental signals, cell division and its regulation, chromosome structure and chromosomal diseases, genetic systems outside the chromosome, the basic of genomic integration, dominant and ressesive genes, autosomal and genosomal inherity, identification of genes, gene map, variations in the genom and their relationships with diseases, a general look to nanobiotechnology.
MOT 17010: Molecular Medicine B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 3
ECTS : 4
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Human genom organisation, transcriptional control of gene expression, DNA damage and repair mechanisms, mRNA splicing mechanisms and related diseases, roles of the transgenic animals in medicine, molecular mechanisms of aging, stem cell; genetic modification and in vivo use of stem cells, human genetic diseases and their controls.
Aim: Understanding of molecular and biochemical mechanisms in different diseases and the clinical approach of these mechanisms
MOT 17011: Transport Systems
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical
Credits: 1
ECTS : 2
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Membrane structure and biochemical characteristics of its components, the passage mechanisms and theories of molecules through biological membranes, transport systems, the biophysical characteristics of compound passage through the membranes, other passage ways through the epithelium and biological membranes, the pathology of membrane system.
Aim: Hücresel Identification of cellular transport systems pathologies and biological characteristics
MOT 17012: Introduction to Signal Transduction Systems
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical
Credits: 1
ECTS : 2
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Structure and dynamics of receptors, receptor activation, transmembrane signal transduction and events developing afterwards, themes related to ligand-receptor interaction, signal transduction systems associated with cell proliferation.
Aim: Identification of cellular signal pathways
MOT 17013: Introduction Cancer Biology A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 4
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Definition and history of cancer, malign and benign tumors, cell proliferation and differentiation, classification of tumors, mechanisms of carcinogenesis, physical carcinogenesis, chemical carcinogenesis, viral carcinogenesis, molecular structures controlling the cell cycle, transcription factors in oncogenesis, growth factors and signal transduction, chromosomal stability, chromosomal translocations.
Aim: Definition of cancer and mechanisms belonging to cancer etiopathogenesis
MOT 17015: Introduction to Molecular Genetics
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 1
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Structure and characteristics of nucleic acids, the mass and the organisation of genetic material, nucleic acid metabolism replication metabolism, transcription mechanism, protein synthesis, biochemical basic of genotype-fenotype interaction, control of gene expression, characteristics of genetic code, DNA damages and repair mechanisms, recombinant DNA technology, gene-environment interaction, mutation.
Aim: Knowing of the basic concepts in molecular genetics
MOT 17016: Physiology and Molecular Mechanisms of Exercise
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Metabolic, cardiovascular, pulmonary adaptations to exercise in the body and the molecular basis of their effects on health and performance will be discussed during the course.1.Mechanism of muscle contraction, structural and metabolic characteristics of the muscle types, neuromuscular effects of aerobic and strength workouts.2. Aerobic and anaerobic energy production, metabolic adaptation to exercise, lactate threshold, respiratory exchange ratio, oxygen deficit and debt.3. Pulmonary ventilation, blood gas exchange in the lungs and tissue, O2 and CO2 transportation in the blood, control of respiration, lung volumes and capacities, respiratory adaptation to the conditions of exercise.4. Exercise and adaptations of the endocrine system5. The effects of Exercise to VO2max, cardiac output (CO), stroke volume, heart rate and blood pressure, cardiovascular parameters etc.
Aim: Having the knowledge of; the effects of exercise on the health of the body. the effects of exercise on performance. the metabolic effects of exercise. the cardiovascular effects of exercise.
MOT 17017: Accessing Information and Evidence-Based Medicine
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Having knowledge of ways of accessing information, learning of learning, following the developments in the new information in time, Evidence-Based Medicine.
Aim: Having the knowledge of how2 to access to the information in the field of health, evidence-based medicine, factors affecting the accuracy of the research, based on the quality assessment of research evidence, a systematic review and meta-analysis concepts.
MOT 17021: Introduction to Metabolism
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Amino-acid metabolism, carbonhydrate-energy metabolism, lipid metabolism, hormone metabolism and metabolic integration.
Aim: Knowing of the basic concepts of protein, lipid, carbonhydrate and hormone metabolism and the interaction between them.
MOT 115: Introduction Cancer Biology B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Tumor markers, proliferation characteristics of tumors, antineoplastic agents and their mechanisms of action, cancer epidemiology, cancer chemoprevention, oncogenes and their functions, cell cycle, its control and regulative mechanisms, apoptosis and its regulation, GTP binding proteins, protein-protein interactions, cytoplasmic protein kinases and phosphatases, secondary messengers, nuclear receptor super family, tumor suppressor genes and effective mechanisms in the regulation of its functions, adhesion molecules and cell matrix, invasion and metastasis, angiogenesis in tumors and molecular mediators of angiogenesis.
Aim: Introducing to molecular mechanisms found in cancer formation, molecular analysis of biochemical changes seen in the organism during cancer.
MOT 200: Seminar Course
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical
Credits: –
ECTS : 6
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: students own interest in the scientific topic is discussed in the classes with other students and lecturers
Aim: Introducing students to access the latest information in specific topics and gaining student to have an ability to literature presenting
MOT 19018: General Biochemistry and Biochemical Reaction Mechanisms A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 3
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Acid- base and buffer terms, structure and transport systems of biological membranes, structural characteristics of carbohydrates, structural characteristics of lipids, structural characteristics of amino acids, a general look to enzymes, bioenergetics, oxidative phosphorylation, hormone chemistry, analysis of mechanism of action of hormones.
Aims: Understanding of biochemical reactions and metabolic pathways formed in cell and organism
MOT 19019: Cancer Biology
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Transformation mechanisms occuring in cancer, changes in tumor cells, carcinogenesis theories, cell cycle and its control, cell aging, death and control, changes in signal pathways in association with cell division and survival in cancer, genes associated with cancer, regulation mechanisms of genes associated with cancer, relationship between tumor and host, molecular mechanisms in individual malignities, epigenetic mechanisms in cancer, tumors wth epidermal origin and their characteristics,
epidermal kökenli tümörler ve özellikleri, mesenchymal tumors and their characteristics, hematologic malignities and their characteristics
Aim: Identification and analysis of signal transduction mechanisms, cell cycle, apoptosis and factors associated with angiogenesis.
MOT 19022: General Biochemistry and Biochemical Reaction Mechanisms B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Amino acid synthesis, amino acid degradation, amino acid metabolism disorders, lipid synthesis, lipid degradation, lipid metabolism disorders, carbohydrate synthesis, carbohydrate degradation, carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
Aim: Understanding of situations caused by the differences and deficiencies arising in the biochemical pathways in cell and organism
MOT 19023: Hormones and Metabolic Control A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: A general look to hormones, hormones with their structures, hormone chemistry, mechanisms of action of hormones, functions of hormones, hormones effective on amino acid metabolism, hormones effective on lipid metabolism and a general look to hormonal disorders.
Aim: Understanding of endocrine system and the elements of this system
MOT 19027: Molecular and Cellular Basics of Diseases A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Cellular and extracellular matrix, cell injury, death, adaptation and repair, a molecular look to diseases, immune system, inflammation, bağışıklık sistemi, inflamasyon, shock and sepsis, hemostasis and trombosis.
Aim: Identification of molecular mechanism playing role in the etiopathogenesis of diseases
MOT 19028: Molecular and Cellular Basics of Diseases B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Introduction to cancer and its molecular mechanisms, cell biology of cancer, cancer and signal transduction, cell death and signal transduction, angiogenesis mechanism, environment and cancer relationship, molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis, molecular mechanisms of obesity.
Aim: Identification of molecular mechanisms playing role in the pathogenesis of diseases (obesity, cancer, atherosclerosis…) occuring frequently in the society
MOT 19035: Molecular Medicine B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 3
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: A general look to DNA sequence repeats and its effects on cellular functions, epigenetic factors in tumor formation, molecular look to cardiovascular diseases, oxidative stress, hypoxia and heart attack, hematology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, dermatology, infectional diseases, viral diseases and molecular look to musculoskeletal system, a general look to nanobiotechnology.
Aim: Understanding and molecular definition of cellular functions which are damaged in various diseases.
MOT 19036: Clinical Laboratory Methods in Treatment A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 3
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Laboratory equipments, solutions and their preparation, laboratory security, automation in laboratory, liver function tests, tumor markers, renal function tests, electrolytes, acid-base physiology, quality control in laboratory.
Aim: Identification of the necessary background, laboratory conditions and experimental researchs for applying the clinical tests.
MOT 19037: Clinical Laboratory Methods in Treatment B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Plasma proteins and their determination methods, urinary analysis, stool analysis, transuda and eksuda, hormone determination methods, hematological analysis, minerals and their determination methods, cerebrospinal fluid analysis.
Aim: Identification of methods used in the clinical diagnosis and surveillance of diseases
MOT 19038: Hormones and Metabolic Control B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Etiology of diabetes mellitus, hormones effective in calcium metabolism, hormones effective in etiology of obesity, kidneys and hormones which they synthesise.
Aim: Understanding of the system biology and endocrine system, definition of hormonal changes occuring after the molecular mechanism disorders
MOT 19039: Molecular Pharmacology B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
İçerik: Otocoids-Prostoglandins-NSAI mechanisms of action, pharmacology of central nervous system, cardiovascular pharmacology, pharmacology of endocrine system
Aim: Organ Identification of pharmacologic approachs peculiar to organ systems and gene therapies peculiar to individuals
MOT 19040: Cell Culture B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 5
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Preservation and conservation of the cells, freezing techniques: cryopreservation, haemocytometer; cell count and viability tests, contamination and cytotoxicity, kinetics of cell deaths in culturing systems, cell-line and its use areas in medicine, monolayer cell cultures, passage techniques, other techniques used in cell cultures.
Aim: Identification of cell freezing, preserving and culture passage techniques.
MOT 19043: Molecular Mechanisms of Blood Pressure and Hypertension
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Blood pressure and essential, nonesansiyel molecular mechanisms in the development of hypertension. Physical and chemical factors that may lead to the development of hypertension
Aim: Having knowledge of Regulation of blood pressure, the etiology of hypertension, the molecular basis and pathogenesis of hypertension
MOT 19044: Molecular Mechanisms of Intellectual Functions
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical
Credits: 2
ECTS : 3
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Areas of the brain involved in learning and memory. Conditioning. According to the characteristics and terms of memory systems, molecules and enzymes that play a role in learning and memory. The role of plasticity.Memory disorders
Aim: Having knowledge of molecular mechanisms of intellectual functions of the brain and knowledge of memory disorders.
MOT 207: Molecular Pharmacology A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: Xenobiotic and biotransformation, cancer chemotherapy, antibiotics and their mechanisms of action
Aim: Identification of pharmacogenetic terms and molecular approachs in pharmacology
MOT 209: Cell Culture A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical,2 practical
Credits: 2
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Basic cell culture and laboratory order, equipments used in cell culture and their preparation, sterilisation techniques, cell culture environment, prophylactic use of antibiotics in cell and tissues, methods used in the cell selection, cell counting and identification tests, primary and secondary cell culture, culture of cells in different types
Aim: Presentation of cell culture laboratory and equipments and identification of sterilisation techniques
MOT 213: Molecular Genetics and Its Clinical Applications A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 3
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Genetiğin gelişimi, kalıtsal hastalıklarda moleküler ilkeler, rekombinant DNA uygulamaları, hemoglobin ve hemoglobinopatiler, biyokimyasal genetik.
Aim: Moleküler genetikte kullanılan yöntemler hakkında temel bilgilerin kavratılması
MOT 214: Molecular Genetics and Its Clinical Applications B
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 1 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 2
Elective/Necessary: Elective
Content: Immunogenetics, chromosomes and chromosomal abnormalities, familial inheritance, genetic factors seen in some common diseases, single gene and chromosomal diseases, pharmacogenetics, population genetics and natural selection, applications in genetic engineering
Aim: Definition of molecular genetic techniques used in diagnosis of various diseases and its applications.
MOT 215: Molecular Medicine A
Duration: 1 semester
Weekly Course Hours: 2 theorotical, 2 practical
Credits: 3
Elective/Necessary: Necessary
Content: A general look to nucleic acids, nucleic acid metabolism, bioorganic chemistry, o molecular look to cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, disease-environment-gene interaction, genetic basis of congenital malformations, molecular basis of multifactorial diseases, molecular approachs in aimed treatment.
Aim: Identification of cell building blocks and biochemical and molecular mechanisms taking place in cell-environment interaction
- İ.Ü.DETAE Uygulamalı Moleküler Genetik Kursu, Temel Genetiğe Giriş.26-30 Nisan 2010, İstanbul
- Hastalıkların Moleküler Mekanizmaları Sertifika Programı (Moleküler Tıp Anabilim Dalı – Uzaktan Eğitim Merkezi) 29 Kasım-10 Aralık 2010, İstanbul
- Hastalıkların Moleküler Mekanizmaları Sertifika Programı (Moleküler Tıp Anabilim Dalı – Uzaktan Eğitim Merkezi)02-10 Ekim 2011, İstanbul
- Uygulamalı Moleküler Genetik Kursu (Genetik Anabilim Dalı ile ortak) 21-23 Ocak 2013, İstanbul
- Uygulamalı Hücre Kültürü ve Protein Araştırmaları Kursu (Moleküler Tıp Anabilim Dalı – Uzaktan Eğitim Merkezi)4-5 Mart 2013, İstanbul
- Uygulamalı Hücre Kültürü ve Nükleik Asit Uygulamaları (Moleküler Tıp Anabilim Dalı – Uzaktan Eğitim Merkezi)Nisan-2013
Caner Lüle
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Zeynep Duygu Tiryakioğlu
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Karoline Yanar
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Sevde Göker
Sercan Uzun
Zahra Javadova
National İnstitute of Health (NIH) ve Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu (YÖK) Tarafından Desteklenen Projeler
1. Değişik köpek ırklarında piruvat kinaz enzim yetmezliğinin biyokimyasal ve moleküler tabanın karakterize edilmesi, Proje No : RR02512, 2009
2. Wachtelhund köpek ırkında fosfofruktokinaz enzim yetmezliğinin moleküler tabanın karakterize edilmesi, Proje No : RR02512, 2009
İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı Tarafından Desteklenen Projeler
3. Bal ve Diğer Arı Ürünleri ile Sağlıklı Yaşam Platformu” kapsamında ” Bal ve Propolis Etkisinin Meme Kanseri Hücre Soylarında miRNA Profili ve Genomik Ekspresyon Üzerinde Araştırılması, Proje No : İSTKA/2010/KBO-62, 2011
İ.Ü. BAP Tarafından Desteklenen Projeler
4. Küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri hastalarında HSP90 gen varyantlarının araştırılması, Proje No : , 2012
5. Robo1, Robo-2 ve TGM-3 Gen anlatim düzeyleri ile larinks kanseri arasindaki iliskinin arastirilmasi, Proje No : , 2012
6. CTLA-4 ve CD28 genetik varyant ve serum düzeylerinin Ankilozan spondilitli hastalarda akciğer tutulumu ve primer hastalık aktivitesine olan etkilerinin araştırılması, Proje No : , 2012
7. Küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri hastalarında serum bazlı MIR-221 MIR-222’nin biobelirteç olarak kullanımının araştırılması, , Proje No : , 2012
8. Meme kanserinde TGF-B1 geni kodon 10 T29C ve HER2 geni Ile655 Val polimorfizmlerinin risk faktörü olarak değerlendirilmesi ve TGF-B1 serum düzeyi ile ilişkisinin saptanması, , Proje No : , 2012
9. Endometrial Kanser Gelişiminde Dna Tamir Ber Yolağı Gen Varyantlarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 22228, 2012
10. Farklı ırk köpeklerde piruvat kinaz ve fosfofruktokinaz yetmezliğine neden olan yeni mutasyonlar, Proje No : 24408, 2012
11. Elektrikle uyarılan sıçan diyafrağması ve atriyum şeritlerinde 4-Aminopridin (4-AP)’in yaptığı kontraktür üzerine fosfolipaz-C yolağı inhibitörü neomisin’in etkisi , Proje No : 22767, 2012
12. Meme kanseri hücre serilerinde bal ve propolisin sitotoksik ve apoptotik etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi için MCF7, SKBR3, MDA-MB231 ve MCF10-A hücre serilerinin devamlılığının sağlanması, Proje No : 21075, 2012
13. Larinks Kanseri Gelişimi ve Prognozu Üzerinde Mir-373 Ekspresyon Etkisinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 23326, 2012
14. Koroner Arter Hastalığında Metilen Tetra Hidro Folat Redüktaz Enzimi (MTHFR) 677 C>T polimorfizminin lipid profilleri ile vücut kitle indeksi üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi, Proje No : 24747, 2012
15. Doğumsal Kalp Hastalığı Olan Çocuklarda ve Annelerinde Eser elementler, Proje No : 22055, 2012
16. Mesane tümörlerinde mikroRNA metilasyon ve ifade seviyelerinin analizi, Proje No : , 2012
17. Mesane kanseri hastalarında mmp9, timp2 genlerinde kansere yatkınlığa sebep veren genotiplerin ve metastaz ile ilişkili gen ifade seviyelerinin belirlenmesi, Proje No : , 2012
18. Farklı gradelerdeki glial tümörlerde çeşitli miRNA ekspresyonlarının incelenmesi, Proje No : , 2012
19. Alzheimer Hastaların da Clusterin ve BACE1 ifade Seviyelerinin Analizi, Proje No : , 2012
20. Alzheimer hastalarında Tau ve Beta-amiloid Oluşumuna Yol Açan Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 24976, 2012
21. Oxalobacter formigenes varlığı ve koloni miktarının böbrek taşı oluşumuna etkilerinin belirlenmesi
22. Oksidatif Stres Mekanizması Üzerinde DNA Tamir ve İnflamatuar ile İlişkili Gen Varyantlarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 21743, 2012
23. Sitrus Flavonoidlerinin NF-kB Transkripsiyon Faktörleri Üzerinde Etkisinin A549, PC-3, CCL221 Kanser Hücre Soylarında Araştırılması, Proje No : 21629, 2012
24. Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğunda Sdf-1 (Stromal Cell Derived Factor-1)/Cxcr4 (Chemokine Receptor Type 4) Genlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 29031, 2012
25. Mesane Kanserli Hastalarda Tümör Metastatik Gen Anlatım Düzeylerinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 34440, 2012
26. Yaygın Gelişimsel Bozukluklar Grubu Hastalık Tanısı Alan 2-18 Yaş Arası Çocuklar Ve Ebeveynlerinde Mcp1/Ccr2 Gen Polimorfizmi Değerlendirilmesi, Proje No : 25843, 2012
27. Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğunda Nöronal Nitrik Oksit Sentaz (Nnos) Superoksit Dismutaz (Sod) Genlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 25816, 2012
28. Oral Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinoma (OSCC) Oluşumunda Rol Alan Olası Gen Polimorfizmlerinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 19212, 2012
29. Mesane Kanserli Hastalarda Tümör Metastatik Gen Anlatım Düzeylerinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 16206, 2012
30. Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk Hastalarında Dna Tamir Genlerinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 20606, 2012
31. BER DNA Tamir Gen Varyantlarının Şizofreni Hastalığı Gelişiminde Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 22083, 2012
32. Bazı Polifenolik Bilesiklerin Meme Kanseri Uzerine Etkisinin Incelenmesi, Proje No : 29355, 2012
33. Türkiye’de Yetişen Farklı Kültürlere Ait Punica granatum (Nar) Meyvelerinden Hazırlanan Ekstrelerin Meme Kanseri Hücreleri Üzerine Etkileri, Proje No : 29383, 2012
34. Koroner Arter hastalığı ve osteosarkomada oksidan antioksidan sistemin rolü, Proje No : 25682, 2012
35. Nonalkolik Yağlı Karaciğer Hastalığında, Farnezil difosfat Farnezil transferaz 1 (FDFT1)’in Serum ve Karaciğer Dokusundaki Düzeyleri, Gen Varyantları ve Gen Anlatım İfadesinin Klinik ve Histopatolojik Parametrelerle Korelasyonunun Araştırılması, Proje No : 12888, 2012
36. Diyabetik ve ve Diyabetik Olmayan Koroner Kalp Hastalarında PPARG P12A ve C161T Polimorfizmlerinin Serum Lipid Profiline Etkisi, Proje No : 21805, 2012
37. Farklı CTLA4 Ve CD28 Varyantlı Kolorektal Kanserli Hastalarda Eser Element Ve Lipid Peroksidasyonu Arasındaki Değişimlerin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 16205, 2012
38. Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer Kanserinde ‘Epitelyal Growth Faktör Reseptörü’ (EGFR) Gen Varyasyonlarının ve Serum EGFR Düzeylerinin, Sağkalım ve Nükslerdeki Rolü ve Mutasyonların Evreleme ile İlişkisi, Proje No : 20783, 2012
39. Karotis Endarterektomisi ile Çıkarılan Plaklarda MMP-2 Ekspresyon Seviyesinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 20086, 2012
40. Egzersiz Performansı Üzerinde Belirli Gen Varyantlarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi , Proje No : 21055, 2012
41. Atletik Performansla İlişkili Çeşitli Gen Varyantlarının İncelenmesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Projesi, Proje No : 20006, 2012
42. Kolorektal kanserli hastalarda konneksin 43 ve E-cadherin gen anlatımlarının ve selenyum düzeyinin incelenmesi, Proje No : 24522, 2012
43. Kolorektal kanserli hastalarda Axin1 ve Galektin-3 gen varyantlarının incelenmesi ve Galektin-3 serum düzeyinin belirlenmesi, Proje No :, 2012
44. MCF7 Meme Kanseri ve MCF10A Normal Epitel Hücre Soyunda Propolisin Etken Maddelerinin Sitotoksik ve Apoptotik Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi, Proje No :, 2012
45. Türk Toplumunda 5-40 Yaş Arası Ani Ölümlerin Genom Boyu Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Risk Faktörleri Açısından Araştırılması, Proje No :, 2012
46. MCF-7 ve MCF-10A Hücre Soylarında Propolis Etken Maddelerinin Tüm Genom Ekspresyon Üzerine Etkileri, Proje No :, 2012
47. Propolis İçeriğindeki Çeşitli Flavanoid ve Fenolik Etken Maddelerinin MCF-7 Meme Kanseri ve MCF-10A Normal Epitel Hücre Soyları Üzerine Etkileri, Proje No :, 2012
48. Kolon Kanserinde MnSOD Ve GPX1 Gen Anlatimlarinin İncelenmesi, Proje No :, 2012
49. Şizofreni ve Kemokin Genleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 24467, 2012
50. Obsesif kompulsif bozukluk hastalarında dna tamir genlerinin araştırılması, Proje No : 20606, 2012
51. Korilagin’in Olası Antikarsinojenik Etkilerinin Akciğer Kanser Hücre Soyunda Araştırılması, Proje No : 29026, 2012
52. KLL Olgularında Tümör Baskılayıcı Protein LATS2 Ekspresyonunun Klinik ve İmmunfenotipik Profille Birlikte Prognostik Amaçlı Değerlendirilmesi, Proje No 28845:, 2012
53. Koroner Kalp Hastalarında Kalsiyum-Duyarlı Reseptör (CASR) Gen Dokusunda CASR-Fonksiyonunu Değiştiren Gen Varyasyonlarının İncelenmesi, Proje No : 28182, 2012
54. Beyin Tümörlü Hastalarada B3 İntegrin ve ICAM-1 Gen Varyasyonlarının İncelenmesi, Proje No : 14686, 2012
55. Vitamin D,Siklooksijen-2 Ve Dna Tamir Genlerine Ait Polimorfizlerinin İnflamatuar Sürece Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 17368, 2011
56. Cox-1 Enzimi C50T Gen Polimorfizminin ve İnflamasyon Mediyatörlerinin Tip 2 Diyabet ile Koroner Arter Hastalığı Üzerindeki Etkisi, Proje No : 8967, 2011
57. Migrenli Hastalarda Siklooksijenaz-2 Gen Varyantlarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 17636, 2011
58. Kemiğe Bağlı Dental İmplant Hastalarında CCR2-64I Gen Varyant Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 16095, 2011
59. Parkinson Hastalığı Gelişiminde APE1 Ve HOGG1 Dna Tamir Gen Varyantlarının Etkisi, Proje No : 12056, 2011
60. Dna Tamir Gen Polimorfizmlerinin Koroner Arter Hastalığı Oluşumu İle İlişkisinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 12347, 2011
61. Prostat Kanserli Hastalarda Kemokin Ve Kemokin Reseptör Polimorfizmlerinin Araştırılması, Proje No : , 2011
62. NF-Kb Transkripsiyon Faktörleri Üzerinde Flavonoid Etkisinin Endometrium Hücre Soyları Kullanılarak Araştırılması, Proje No : 18268, 2011
63. Siklooksijenaz-2 Gen Varyantlarının Bipolar Bozukluk İle İlişkisinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 17183, 2011
64. Oral Skuamöz Hücreli Kanser Gelişiminde MCP-1 Ve CCR2 Gen Varyantlarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 16094, 2011
65. Parkinson Hastalığı Gelişiminde XRCC1 Ve XRCC3 Dna Tamir Gen Varyantlarının Etkisi, Proje No : 12060, 2011
66. Migrenli Hastalarda Dna Tamir Gen Varyantlarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 18681, 2011
67. Parkinson Hastalığı Gelişiminde XPD Ve XPG Dna Tamir Gen Varyantlarının Etkisi, Proje No : 12057, 2011
68. MCP-1 A-2518G Gen Varyantının İmplant Kaybı Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No :16096, 2011
69. Nükleer Faktör kappa B (NFkB) Genetik Varyantlarının Endometriyum Kanseri Hastalık Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri, Proje No : 15987, 2011
70. XRCC1 Ve XRCC3 GEN Varyantlarının Endometrial Kanser Gelişiminde Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 16154, 2011
71. Akut Lenfositik Lösemi Hastası Çocuklarda MDR1 C3435T Gen Polimorfizminin ve Oral Mukozit Oluşumu ile İlişkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 602/15122006, 2011
72. Koroner Kalp Hastalarında Risk Faktörü Olarak Düşük HDL Düzeyine SHBG Gen Varyasyonlarının Etkilerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 12104, 2011
73. BMP1 Enzim ve ALK-1/-2 Reseptör varyantlarının Aterosklerozlu Erkek Hastalarda HDL ve Apoprotein AI Düzeyleri ile Etkileşimi, Proje No 11304: , 2011
74. SRBI gen varyantlarının koroner kalp hastalarında proaterojenik/antiaterojenik lipid profiline etkisinin incelenmesi, Proje No : 15907, 2011
75. Nitrik oksit ve hipoksi ilişkili sinyal yolaklarında oluşan gen polimorfizmlerinin kardiyovasküler hastalık üzerine olası etkisinin araştırılması, Proje No : 16813, 2011
76. Kardiyovasküler hastalık gelişiminde hipoksi sinyal yolaklarında oluşan gen polimorfizmlerinin olası etkisinin araştırılması, Proje No : 16841, 2011
77. Oral kanserli hastalarda metastatik gen düzey değişimlerinin hastalık üzerindeki etkisi , Proje No : 14545, 2011
78. Nitrik oksit ilişkili sinyal yolaklarında oluşan gen polimorfizmlerinin kardiyovasküler hastalık üzerine olası etkisinin araştırılması, Proje No : 16809, 2011
79. Oral kanserli hastalarda gen düzey değişimleri ile metastaz arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi, Proje No : 15992, 2011
80. Karotis Endarterektomisi ile Çıkarılan Plaklarda Gen İfadesi Düzenleniminin, Protein İfadesi Düzenlenimi ile İlişkilendirilmesi, Proje No : 11819, 2011
81. Peroksizom Proliferatör Aktive Reseptör Gamma (PPARA) Pro12Ala ve C161T Gen Polimorfizminin Türk Postmenopozal Kadınlarda Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu Düzeylerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 17622, 2011
82. Koroner Kalp Hastalarında Risk Faktörü Olarak JAM-A ve LFA-1 Gen Varyasyonlarının İncelenmesi, Proje No : 20283, 2011
83. Karotis Endarterektomisi ile Çıkarılan Plaklarda Gen İfadesi Düzenleniminin, Protein İfadesi Düzenlenimi ile İlişkilendirilmesi, Proje No : 11819, 2011
84. Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer kanseri Hastalarında RRM1, RRM2, ERCC2 Gen Polimorfizmleri ve Serum 8-OHG ve LDH Düzeylerinin Hastalığın Riski ve Prognozu Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 14807, 2011
85. Kemokinler ve DNA Tamir Genlerine ait Polimorfizmlerin Kanser Gelişimine Etkisi, Proje No 9887: , 2010
86. Oral Kanserli Hastalarda MCP-1 Gen Polimorfizminin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 6463, 2010
87. Diyabet Hastalığında Sumo4 Ve Nf-Kb1 Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 6743, 2010
88. Türk Toplumunda G proteini gen Polimorfizmi Sıklığının ve şizofreni Hastalığı Oluşumuna Olası Etkilerinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 11081, 2010
89. Diyabet Hastalığında Osteoprotegerin (OPG) Proteini T950C Gen Polimorfizminin İncelenmesi İstanbul Üniversitesi, Proje No : 2960, 2010
90. Survivin gen polimorfizmleri ile akciğer kanseri arasında, hastalık gelişimi, prognozu ve sağ kalımla ilgili olası ilişkilerin moleküler genetik ve immünhistokimyasal yöntemlerle araştırılması, Proje No : 11276, 2010
91. Akciğer Kanser Hücre Soylarında NF-kB Transkripsiyon Faktörleri Üzerinde Flavonoid Etkisinin Araştırılması, Proje No: 9205, 2010
92. Diyet ile indüklenmiş deneysel fare modelinde obezite ile inflamasyon belirteçlerinin ekspresyon ve serum seviyelerinin araştırılması, Proje No : 9085, 2010
93. MikroRNA 196-A2 Polimorfizminin Kolorektal Kanser Riski ile İlişkisinin Araştırılması, Proje No : 5821, 2010
94. Tip 2 Diyabette Myeloperoksidaz Gen Polimorfizminin Rolünün İncelenmesi, Proje No : 14912, 2010
95. Meme Kanserinde miRNA-27a, miRNA-10b ve let7a-miRNA Ekspresyonlarının İncelenmesi, Proje No : 11123, 2010
96. Prostat Kanseri ile MetilenTetraHidroFolatRedüktaz Enzimi (MTHFR) C677T ve A1298C Gen Polimorfizmleri İlişkisinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 12801, 2010
97. Büyüme Hormon Reseptörü (GHR) Ekzon 3 Polimorfizminin Tip2 Diyabet İle Koroner Arter Hastalığı Üzerindeki Etkisi, Proje No : 9632, 2010
98. Mide Kanserli Hastalarda EGF Gen Polimorfizminin ve Serum EGF Düzeyinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 8941, 2010
99. Kolorektal kanserinde BRAF V600E gen polimorfizminin etkisinin araştırılması, Proje No : 1160, 2010
- Miyozin ağır zincir gen polimorfizmlerinin tip 2 diyabet ile koroner arter hastalığında incelenmesi, Proje No : 1159, 2010
- Meme Kanserli Hastalarda ABCG2 Gen Polimorfizmleri Ve Serum Düzeyinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 13448, 2010
- Meme Kanserli Hastalarda E-Kaderin Ve MMP-3 Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 10750, 2010
- Tip2 Diyabetli Hastalarda Myeloperoksidaz Ve Glutamat-Sistein Ligaz Katalitik Altbirim Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 14788, 2010
- Osteosarkomda MMP3 Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 19358, 2010
- Koroner Kalp Hastalarında Risk Faktörü Olarak JAM-A ve LFA-1 Gen Varyasyonlarının İncelenmesi, Proje No : 20283, 2010
- Diyabet Hastalığında APE1 ve XPG Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 6545, 2010
- Tip 2 Diabette TIMP1 ve TIMP2 Genetik Varyasyonlarının Etkisi ve Serum Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi, Proje No : 6450, 2010
- Apürinik/apirimidinik (AP) Endonukleaz (APE1) Gen Polimorfizmi ve Akciğer Kanser riski, Proje No : 3635, 2009
- Diyabetik Koroner Arter Hastalığında Monosit Kemotaktik Proteini ( MCP-1) A A-2518G ve CCR2 Reseptörü G190A Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi’ , Proje No : , 2009
- Endometrium kanserli olgularda APE1 gen polimorfiziminin incelenmesi, Proje No : 109S018, 2009
- Detoksifikasyon enzimlerinden NAT2 ile CYP1A2 gen polimorfizmlerinin meme kanseri ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi, Proje No : 4325, 2009
- Paraoksonaz1 (PON1), aromataz (CYP19) ve 17 alfa hidroksilaz enzimlerinin gen polimorfizmlerinin meme kanseri ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi, Proje No : 10588, 2009
- Lomber disk hernisinde kritik gen polimorfizmlerinin incelenmesi, Proje No : 4364, 2009
- Aktif Müsabaka Sezonu Geçiren Farklı Yaş Gruplarındaki Genç Futbolcuların Egzersiz Sırasındaki Sitokin Düzey Değişikliklerine Bağlı İmmün Sistem Aktivasyonlarının İncelenmesi, Proje No : 3889, 2008
2013 Publications
1-Ozturk O, Canbay E, Kahraman OT, Fatih Seyhan M, Aydogan F, Celik V, Uras C. HER2 Ile655Val and PTEN IVS4 polymorphisms in patients with breast cancer. Mol Biol Rep. 2013 Feb;40(2):1813-8. Impact factor: 2,929
2-Canbay E, Kahraman OT, Bugra D, Caykara B, Seyhan MF, Bulut T, Yamaner S, Ozturk O. Association between PTEN IVS4 polymorphism and development of colorectal cancer in a Turkish population. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2013 Jan;17(1):1-6. Impact factor: 3,713
3-Dağlar-Aday A, Toptaş B, Oztürk T, Seyhan F, Saygılı N, Eronat AP, Akadam-Teker B, Yılmaz-Aydoğan H, Aksoy F, Oztürk O. Investigation of BRAF V600E Mutation in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Tumor-Surrounding Nontumoral Tissues. DNA Cell Biol. 2013 Jan;32(1):13-8. doi: 10.1089/dna.2012.1776. Epub 2012 Nov 16. Impact factor: 2,072
2012 Publications
4-Yaylim I, Ozkan NE, Turan S, Korkmaz G, Yildiz Y, Cacina C, Topbas B, Arikan S. sTRAIL Serum Levels and TRAIL 1595 Genotypes: Association with Progress and Prognosis of Colorectal Carcinoma. Journal of Cancer Therapy 2012 3:941-947. Impact factor: 0,14
5-Yaylim I, Ozkan NE, Isitmangil T, Isitmangil G, Turna A, Isbir T. CK2 Enzyme Affinity Against c-myc424-434 Substrate in Human Lung Cancer Tissue.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(10):5233-6. Impact factor: 0,659
6-Yılmaz-Aydogan H, Kucukhuseyin O, Kurnaz O, Akadam-Teker B, Kurt O, Tekeli A, Ozturk O, Isbir T. Investigation of polymorphic variants of PPARD and APOE genes in Turkish coronary heart disease patients. DNA Cell Biol. 2012 May;31(5):867-75. doi: 10.1089/dna.2011.1464. Epub 2012 Jan 25. Impact factor: 2,072
7-Ergen HA, Zeybek Ü, Gök Ö, Ermis Karaali Z. Investigation Of ABCA1 C69T Polymorphism In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Biochemia Medica 2012;22(1):114–20. Impact Factor: 1,343
8-Turna A, Pekçolaklar A, Metin M, Yaylim I, Gurses A. The effect of season of operation on thesurvival of patients with resected non-small cell lung cancer.InteractCardiovascThoracSurg. 2012 Feb;14(2):151-5. Impact factor: 2,106
9-Bektas-Kayhan K, Kucukhuseyin O, Karagoz G, Unur M, Ozturk O, Unuvar A, Devecioglu O, Yilmaz-Aydogan H. Is the MDR1 C3435T Polymorphism Responsible for Oral Mucositis in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia? Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(10):5251-5. Impact factor: 0,659
10-Ö. Gül, E. Öztürk, M G Uğur, F B Cebesoy, N Kurtul, S Pençe, S Pehlivan, Ö Balat.Preeklamptik Gebelerde Serum Total Sialik Asit Seviyeleri ve Sialik Asit Esteraz Gen Varyasyonu. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol. 9(2),99-105. (2012).
11-Colak Y, Senates E, Yesil A, Yilmaz Y, Ozturk O, Doganay L, Coskunpinar E, Kahraman OT, Mesci B, Ulasoglu C, Tuncer I. Assessment of endothelial function in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Endocrine. 2012 Jun 3. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:22661277 Impact factor; 1,416
12-Senateş E, Colak Y, Yeşil A, Coşkunpinar E, Sahin O, Kahraman OT, Erkalma Şenateş B, Tuncer I. Circulating resistin is elevated in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and is associated with steatosis, portal inflammation, insulin resistance and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis scores. Minerva Med. 2012 Oct;103(5):369-76. Impact factor: 0,900
13-Canbay E, Kurnaz O, Canbay B, Bugra D, Cakmakoglu B, Bulut T, Yamaner S, Sokucu N, Buyukuncu Y, Yilmaz-Aydogan H. PPAR-Gamma Pro12Ala Polymorphism and Gastric Cancer Risk in a Turkish Population. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(11):5875-8. Impact factor: 0,659
14-Gündüz M, Cacına C, Toptaş B, Yaylım-Eraltan I, Tekand Y, Isbir T. Association of vitamin d receptor gene polymorphisms with colon cancer. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Sep;16(9):1058-61. Epub 2012 Aug 1 Impact factor: 0,879
15-Kucukhuseyin O, Yilmaz-Aydogan H, Isbir CS, Isbir T, “Is there any association between GLY82 ser polymorphism of rage gene and Turkish diabetic and non diabetic patients with coronary artery disease?”, Mol Biol Rep. 2012; 39:4423–4428 Impact factor: 2,929
16-Engin Aynaci, Ender Coskunpinar, Ayse Eren, Onur Kum, Yasemin Musteri Oltulu, Nergiz Akkaya, Akif Turna, İlhan Yaylim and Pinar Yildiz. Association between survivin gene promoter -31G/C and -644C/T polymorphisms and non-small cell lung cancer. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2012 (in press) Impact factor: 1,013
17-Ender Coşkunpınar, Sema Anak, Leyla Ağaoğlu, Ayşegül Ünüvar, Ömer Devecioğlu, Gönül Aydoğan, Çetin Timur, Ahmet Faik Öner, Yıldız Yıldırmak, Tiraje Celkan, İnci Yıldız, Nazan Sarper, Uğur Özbek. Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations and FLT3 gene Mutations in Childhood Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Patients Turk J Hematol 2012; 29 (3) : 225-232 doi: 10.5505/tjh.2012.24392
18-Engin Aynacı, Ender Coşkunpınar, Ayşe Eren, Onur Kum, Yasemin Müşteri Oltulu, Nergiz Akkaya, Akif Turna, İlhan Yaylım, Pınar Yıldız. Investigation of the association of survivin gene -625G/C polymorphism in non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology 2012, 10(1):27-32, Haliç University.
19-Eraltan H, Cacina C, Kahraman OT, Kurt O, Aydogan HY, Uyar M, Can A, Cakmakoğlu B. MCP-1 and CCR2 gene variants and the risk for osteoporosis and osteopenia. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Apr;16(4):229-33. Epub 2011 Nov 14. PMID:22081934 Impact factor: 0,879
20-Akbas F, Coskunpinar E, Aynacı E, Oltulu YM, Yildiz.P. Analysis of serum miRNAs as potential biomarker in COPD. Exp Lung Res. 2012 2012 Aug;38(6):286-94. Impact factor: 1,180
21-Colak Y, Senates E, Ozturk O, Doganay HL, Coskunpinar E, Oltulu YM, Eren A, Sahin O, Ozkanli S, Enc FY, Ulasoglu C, Tuncer I. Association of serum lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 level with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2012 Apr;10(2):103-9. Impact factor: 1,932
22-Senateş E, Colak Y, Erdem ED, Yeşil A, Coşkunpınar E, Sahin O, Altunöz ME, Tuncer I, Kurdaş Övünç AO. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone levels are lower in reproductive-age women with Crohn’s disease compared to healthy control women. J Crohns Colitis. 2012 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22472089 Impact factor: 2,628
23-Mogulkoc U., Coskunpinar E., Caglar E., Ortaköylü G., Ozkan G., Musteri Oltulu Y., Yaylim-Eraltan I. Is MMP-7 Gene Polymorphism A Possible Risk Factor For Copd In Turkish Patients. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Jun;16(6):519-23. Epub 2012 Mar 14. Impact factor: 0,879
24-Sahin O, Arikan S, Musteri Oltulu Y, Coskunpinar E, Eren A, Cacina C, Guler E, Yaylim I.Investigation of a Possible Relationship Between EPHX1 Gene Polymorphisms and Colorectal Cancer in Turkish Society. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Feb 21. [Epub ahead of print]. Impact factor: 0,879
25-Gurdol F, Cakmakoglu B, Dasdemir S, Isbilen E, Bekpinar S, Isbir T. -765 G→C and -1195 A→G Promoter Variants of the Cyclooxygenase-2 Gene Decrease the Risk for Preeclampsia. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Jan 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22224631. Impact factor: 0,879
26-Bektas-Kayhan K, Unur M, Boy-Metin Z, Cakmakoglu B. MCP-1 and CCR2 gene variants in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Dis. 2012 Jan;18(1):55-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2011.01843.x. Epub 2011 Aug 24. PMID:21883707 Impact factor: 2,145
27-Inal Gultekin G, Raj K, Lehman S, Hillström A, Giger U. Missense mutation in PFKM associated with muscle-type phosphofructokinase deficiency in the Wachtelhund dog. Mol Cell Probes. 2012 Mar 16. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:22446493 Impact Factor: 2,078.
28-Inal Gultekin G, Raj K, Foureman P, Lehman S, Manhart K, Abdulmalik O, Giger U. Erythrocytic Pyruvate Kinase Mutations Causing Hemolytic Anemia, Osteosclerosis, and Secondary Hemochromatosis in Dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 2012 Jul 13. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2012.00958.x. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:22805166 Impact Factor: 1.992.
29-Kurt O, Yilmaz-Aydogan H, Uyar M, Isbir T, Seyhan MF, Can A. Evaluation of ERa and VDR gene polymorphisms in relation to bone mineral density in Turkish postmenopausal women. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Jun;39(6):6723-30. Epub 2012 Feb 7. Impact factor: 2,929
30-Aydoğan HY, Küçükhüseyin O, Tekeli A, Isbir T. Associations of Receptor For Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) -374 T/ A and Gly82 Ser and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPAR-γ) Pro12Ala Polymorphisms In Turkish Coronary Artery Disease Patients. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Feb;16(2):134-7. Epub 2011 Aug 23. PMID:21861709 Impact factor: 0,879
31-Yildiz I, Unuvar E, Zeybek U, Toptas B, Toprak SK, Cacina C, Kilic A, Aydin S. The role of vitamin D in children with recurrent Tonsillopharyngitis. Ital J Pediatr. 2012 Jun 8;38(1):25. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:22682426 Impact factor: 0,791
32-Baş F, Darendeliler F, Aycan Z, Cetinkaya E, Berberoğlu M, Sıklar Z, Ocal G, Timirci O, Cetinkaya S, Darcan S, Gökşen Şimşek D, Bideci A, Cinaz P, Böber E, Demir K, Bereket A, Turan S, Atabek ME, Tütüncüler F, Isbir T, Bozkurt N, Kabataş Eryılmaz S, Uzunhan O, Küçükemre Aydın B, Bundak R. The exon 3-deleted/full-length growth hormone receptor polymorphism and response to growth hormone therapy in growth hormone deficiency and turner syndrome: a multicenter study. Horm Res Paediatr. 2012;77(2):85-93. Epub 2012 Mar 23. PMID:22456308 Impact factor; 2,48
33-Colak Y, Senates E, Yesil A, Yilmaz Y, Ozturk O, Doganay L, Coskunpinar E, Kahraman OT, Mesci B, Ulasoglu C, Tuncer I. Assessment of endothelial function in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Endocrine. 2012 Jun 3. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:22661277 Impact factor; 1,416
34-Canbay E, Ergen A, Bugra D, Yamaner S, Eraltan IY, Buyukuncu Y, Bulut T. Kisspeptin-54 Levels are increased in Patients with Colorectal Cancer. World J Surg. 2012 May 3. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:22552499 Impact factor: 2,693
35-Eren Z, Kantarci G, Biyikli N, Arikan H, Tuglular S, Ergen A, Isbir T, Akoglu E. Paraoxonase 1 polymorphisms in patients with primary glomerulonephritis: a single-center study in Turkey. Iran J Kidney Dis. 2012 May;6(3):181-5. PMID:22555481 Impact factor: 0,870
36-Tükel R, Arslan BA, Ertekin BA, Ertekin E, Oflaz S, Ergen A, Kuruca SE, Isbir T. Decreased IFN-γ and IL-12 levels in panic disorder. J Psychosom Res. 2012 Jul;73(1):63-7. Epub 2012 May 20. PMID: 22691562 Impact factor: 3,269
37-Cincin ZB, Iyibozkurt AC, Kuran SB, Cakmakoglu B. DNA repair gene variants in endometrial carcinoma. Med Oncol. 2012 Jan 22. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:22271435 Impact factor: 2,140
38-Gurdol F, Yurdum LM, Ozturk U, Isbilen E, Cakmakoglu B. Association of the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) polymorphisms with preeclampsia in Turkish women. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22314435 Impact factor: 1,277
39-Kucukgergin C, Isman FK, Cakmakoglu B, Sanli O, Seckin S. Association of Polymorphisms in MCP-1, CCR2, and CCR5 Genes with the Risk and Clinicopathological Characteristics of Prostate Cancer. DNA Cell Biol. 2012 May 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22612293. Impact factor: 2,072
40-Gencer M, Dasdemir S, Cakmakoglu B, CetinkayaY, Varlibas F, Tireli H, Kucukali CI, Ozkok E, Aydin M. DNA repair genes in parkinson’s disease. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Jun;16(6):504-7. Epub 2012 Jan 6. PMID: 22224629 Impact factor: 0,879
41-Kurnaz O, Akadam-Teker A.B, Yilmaz- Aydogan H, Tekeli A, İsbir T. LOX-1 3’UTR188CT Polymorphism and coronary artery disease in Turkish patients .Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Apr;39(4):4351-8. Epub 2011 Sep 7. PMID:21901421 Impact factor: 2,929
42-Arıkan S, Cacina C, Guler E, Çulcu S, Tuna G, Yaylım-Eraltan I. The effects of NOS3 Glu298Asp variant on colorectal cancer risk and progression in Turkish population. . Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Mar;39(3):3245-9. doi: 10.1007/s11033-011-1092-8. Impact Factor: 1,875
2011 Publications
43-Acilmis YG, Dikensoy E, Kutlar AI, Balat O, Cebesoy FB, Ozturk E, Cicek H, Pence S. Homocysteine, folic acid and vitamin b12 levels in maternal and umbilical cord plasma and homocysteine levels in placenta in pregnant women with preeclampsia. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011 Jan;37(1):45-50. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2010.01317.x. Epub 2010 Oct 11. PMID:21040211 Impact Factor: 0,869
44-Ozturk E, Balat O, Ugur M, Yazicioglu C, Pence s, Erel O, Kul S. Effect of ramadan fastıng on maternal oxidatıve stress during the second trimester: a preliminary study. The Journal of Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011 Jul;37(7):729-33. Impact Factor: 0,869
45-Ozturk E, Balat O, Acılmıs Y, Ozcan C, Pence S, Erel O. Measurement of the placental total antıoxıdant status in preeclamptic women using a novel automated method. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011 Jul;37(7):729-33. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2010.01419.x. Epub 2011 Mar 9. PMID:21736666 Impact Factor: 0,869
46-Atik B, Erkutlu I,Tercan M, Buyukhatipoglu M, Bekerecioglu M, Pence S. The effects of exogenous melatonin on peripheral nerve regeneration and collagen formation in rats. J Surg Res. 2011 Apr;166(2):330-6. Epub 2009 Jul 10. PMID: 20006352 Impact Factor:2,239
47-Küçükhüseyin Ö, Kurnaz Ö, Akadam-Teker AB, Narter F, Yılmaz-Aydoğan H, İsbir T. Effects of the MTHFR C677T Polymorphism on Prostate Specific Antigen and Prostate Cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2011;12(9):2275-8. PMID:22296369 Impact Factor:1,240
48-Yilmaz-Aydogan H, Kurnaz O, Kurt O, Akadam-Teker B, Kucukhuseyin O, Tekeli A, Isbir T. Effects of the PPARG P12A and C161T Gene Variants on Serum Lipids in Coronary Heart Disease Patients with and without Type 2 Diabetes. Mol Cell Biochem. 2011 Dec;358(1-2):355-63. Epub 2011 Jul 21. PMID: 21833536 Impact Factor: 2,168.
49-Kucukhuseyin O, Yilmaz-Aydogan H, Isbir CS, Isbir T. Is there any association between GLY82 ser polymorphism of rage gene and Turkish diabetic and non diabetic patients with coronary artery disease? Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Apr;39(4):4423-8. Epub 2011 Sep 25. PMID:21947881 Impact factor : 1,875 (SCI).Impact Factor: 1,875.
50-Kurt O, Aydogan Yilmaz H, Uyar M, Seyhan MF, Isbir T, Can A. Assocıatıon Between Collagen Type I [A](1) (Col1a1) Gene Polymorphısm Wıth Bone Mıneral Densıty In Turkısh Postmenopausal Women. Osteoporosıs Int. 2011;22(1);180-181. Impact Factor: 4,859.
51-Cacina C, Bulgurcuoglu-Kuran S, Iyibozkurt AC, Yaylim-Eraltan I, Cakmakoglu B. Genetic variants of SDF-1 and CXCR4 genes in endometrial carcinoma. Mol Biol Rep. 2012;39(2):1225-9. Epub 2011 May 24. PMID:21607621 Impact Factor: 1,875.
52-Turna A, Pekçolaklar A, Metin M, Yaylim I, Gurses A. The effect of season of operation on the survival of patients with resected non-small cell lung cancer. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2012 Feb;14(2):151-5. Epub 2011 Nov 30. PMID: 22159250 Impact Factor: 0,753.
53-Isbir O, Gormuş U, Ergen HA, Cakmakoğlu B, Kahraman OT, Baykan N. XPD and hOGG1 gene polymorphisms in reperfusion oxidative stress. Genet Mol Res. 2011 Dec 19;10(4):3157-62. PMID:22194171 Impact Factor: 1,013.
54-Agachan Cakmakoglu B, Attar R, Kahraman OT, Dalan AB, Iyibozkurt AC, Karateke A, Attar E. Cyclooxygenase-2 gene and epithelial ovarian carcinoma risk. Mol Biol Rep. 2011 Jun;38(5):3481-6. Epub 2010 Nov 24. PMID: 21107726 Impact Factor: 1,875.
55-Coskunpinar E, Eraltan IY, Turna A, Agachan B. Cyclooxygenase-2 gene and lung carcinoma risk. Med Oncol. 2011 Dec;28(4):1436-40. Epub 2010 Jul 20. PMID:20645029 Impact Factor: 2,220.
56-Colak Y, Senates E, Ozturk O, Yilmaz Y, Coskunpinar E, Kahraman OT, Sahin O, Zemheri E, Enc FY, Ulasoglu C, Kiziltas S, Kurdas OO, Tuncer I. Plasma Fibrinogen-Like Protein 2 Levels in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Hepatogastroenterology. 2011 Nov-Dec;58(112):2087-90. doi: 10.5754/hge11248. PMID:22024080 Impact Factor: 0,677.
57-Aydın S, Aslan I, Yıldız I, Ağaçhan B, Toptaş B, Toprak S, Değer K, Oktay MF, Unüvar E. Vitamin D levels in children with recurrent tonsillitis. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2011 Mar;75(3):364-7. Epub 2011 Jan 7. PMID:21215466 Impact Factor: 1,607.
58-Canbay E, Cakmakoglu B, Zeybek U, Sozen S, Cacina C, Gulluoglu M, Balik E,Bulut T, Yamaner S, Bugra D. Association of APE1 and hOGG1 polymorphisms with colorectal cancer risk in a Turkish population. Curr Med Res Opin. 2011 Jul;27(7):1295-302. Epub 2011 May 12. PMID:21561390 Impact Factor: 2,609.
59-Zeybek U, Toptas B, Karaali ZE, Kendir M, Cakmakoglu B. Effect of TNF-α and IL-1β genetic variants on the development of myocardial infarction in Turkish population. Mol Biol Rep. 2011 Nov;38(8):5453-7. Epub 2011 Mar 6. PMID:21380730 Impact Factor: 1,875.
60-Baş F, Keleşoğlu F, Timirci Ö, Kabataş Eryılmaz S, Bozkurt N, Küçükemre Aydın B, Bundak R, Isbir T, Darendeliler F. The distribution of exon 3-deleted/full-length growth hormone receptor polymorphism in the Turkish population. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2011;3(3):126-31. doi: 10.4274/jcrpe.v3i3.25. PMID: 21911325
61-Aydoğan HY, Küçükhüseyin O, Tekeli A, Isbir T. Associations of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products -374 T/A and Gly82 Ser and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Pro12Ala Polymorphisms in Turkish Coronary Artery Disease Patients. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Feb;16(2):134-7. Epub 2011 Aug 23. PMID: 21861709 Impact factor :0,879 (SCI-ex.) Impact factors:0,879
62-Aksoy-Sagirli P, Cakmakoglu B, Isbir T, Kaytan-Saglam E, Kizir A, Topuz E,Berkkan H. Paraoxonase-1 192/55 polymorphisms and the risk of lung cancer in a Turkish population. Anticancer Res. 2011 Jun;31(6):2225-9. PMID: 21737645 Impact factor:1,656
63-Ozturk T, Kahraman OT, Toptaş B, Kisakesen HI, Çakalir C, Verim L, Ozturk O, Isbir T. The effect of CYP1A1 and GSTM1 gene polymorphisms in bladder cancer development in a Turkish population. In Vivo. 2011 Jul-Aug;25(4):663-8. PMID:21709011 Impact factor:1,159
64-Toptas B, Gormuş U, Ergen A, Gurkan H, Kelesoglu F, Darendeliler F, Bas F, Dalan AB, Izbirak G, Isbir T. Comparison of lipid profiles with APOA1 MspI polymorphism in obese children with hyperlipidemia. In Vivo. 2011 May-Jun;25(3):425-30. PMID:21576418 Impact factor:1,159
65-Gormuş U, Kahraman OT, Isbir S, Tekeli A, Isbir T. MMP2 gene polymorphisms and MMP2 mRNA levels in patients with superficial varices of lower extremities. In Vivo. 2011 May-Jun;25(3):387-91. PMID:21576412 Impact factor:1,159
66-Ol KK, Agachan B, Gormus U, Toptas B, Isbir T. Cox-2 gene polymorphism and IL-6 levels in coronary artery disease. Genet Mol Res. 2011 May 10;10(2):810-6. PMID:21574137 Impact factor:1,013
67-Narter F, Can G, Ergen A, Isbir T, Ince Z, Çoban A. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and G71R mutation of the UGT1A1 gene in Turkish patients. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2011 Feb;24(2):313-6. Epub 2010 Jun 8. PMID:20528217 Impact factor:2,071
68-Ergul Ekiz, E., Arslan, M., Ozcan, M., Inal Gültekin, G., Yildiz Gulay, O. Kirmizibayrak, T., Giger. U. Frequency of dog erythrocyte antigen 1.1 in 4 breeds native to different areas in Turkey.Vet Clin Pathol. 2011 Dec;40(4):518-23. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-165X.2011.00370.x. PMID:22136478 Impact factor:1,239
69-Emre S, Sirin A, Ergen A, Bilge I, Sucu A, Yilmaz A, Isbir T. Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Polymorphism In Patients With Henoch-Schönlein Purpura. Pediatr Int. 2011 Jun;53(3):358-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-200X.2010.03247.x. PMID:20831652 Impact factor:0,755
70-Matur, E., Ergül, E., Akyazı, I., Eraslan, E., Inal Gultekin, G., Bilgiç, S., Demircan, H.: Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae extract on haematological parameters, immune function and the antioxidant defence system in breeder hens fed aflatoxin contaminated diets.Br Poult Sci. 2011 Oct;52(5):541-50. PMID:22029780 Impact factor:1,033
71-Yarat A, Ozturk LK, Ulucan K, Akyuz S, Atala H, Isbir T. Carbonic anhydrase VI exon 2 genetic polymorphism in Turkish subjects with low caries experience (preliminary study). In Vivo. 2011 Nov Dec;25(6):941-4. PubMed PMID: 22021688. Impact factor:1,159
72-Ergen A, İsbir S, Timirci O, Tekeli A, Isbir T. Effects of myeloperoxidase -463 G/A gene polymorphism and plasma levels on coronary artery disease. Mol Biol Rep. 2011 Feb;38(2):887-91. Epub 2010 Jun 22. PMID:20568015 Impact Factor: 1,875.
73-Tetik S, Ak K, Sahin Y, Gulsoy O, Isbir S, Arsan S, Yardimci T. Postoperative statin therapy attenuates the intensity of systemic inflammation and increases fibrinolysis after coronary artery bypass grafting. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2011 Oct;17(5):526-31. Epub 2010 Aug 30. PubMed PMID: 20805103. Impact factor:1,476
74-Acilmis YG, Dikensoy E, Kutlar AI, Balat O, Cebesoy FB, Ozturk E, Cicek H, Pence S.Homocysteine, folic acid and vitamin B12 levels in maternal and umbilical cord plasma and homocysteine levels in placenta in pregnant women with pre‐eclampsia.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011 Jan;37(1):45-50. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2010.01317.x. Epub 2010 Oct 11. Impact factor:1,869
75-Ergen A, Kılıcoglu O, Ozger H, Agachan B, Isbir T. Paraoxonase 1 192 and 55 polymorphisms in osteosarcoma. Mol Biol Rep. 2011 Aug;38(6):4181-4. Epub 2010 Nov 23. PMID: 21104436 Impact Factor: 1,875.
76-Ozturk E, Balat O, Acılmıs YG, Ozcan C, Pence S, Erel Ö.Measurement of the placental total antioxidant status in preeclamptic women using a novel automated method. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011 Apr;37(4):337-42. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2010.01346.x. Epub 2011 Feb 11. Impact factor:1,869
77-Atik B, Erkutlu I, Tercan M, Buyukhatipoglu H, Bekerecioglu M, Pence S.The effects of exogenous melatonin on peripheral nerve regeneration and collagen formation in rats.J Surg Res. 2011 Apr;166(2):330-6. Epub 2009 Jul 10. Impact Factor:2,239
2010 Publications
78-Bahat G, Saka B, Erten N, Ozbek U, Coskunpinar E, Yildiz S, Sahinkaya T, Karan MA. BsmI polymorphism in the vitamin D receptor gene is associated with leg extensor muscle strength in elderly men. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2010 Jun;22(3):198-205. Impact factor:1,693
79-Arzu Ergen, Özlem Timirci Kahraman, Ümit Zeybek, Özlem Gök, Özlem Karatoprak, Turgay İsbir. Diyabetik nefropatide myeloperoksidaz gen polimorfizminin incelenmesi. Diabet Bilimi, Kasım 2010, Cilt 8/ Sayı 6; 227-231.
80-Ofluoglu D, Zebrek U, Kucukhuseyin O, Isbir T, Tanyeri H. Research of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Polymorphism in Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis Patients. Oral Dıs. 2010;16(6);545-546. Impact factor:2,145
81-Erkisi Z, Yaylim-Eraltan I, Turna A, Gormus U, Camlica H, Isbir T. Polymorphisms in the microsomal epoxide hydrolase gene: role in lung cancer susceptibility and prognosis. Tumori. 2010 Sep-Oct;96(5):756-63. PMID:21302624 Impact factor:1,014
82-Bucak F Tahmiscioglu, Durmaz O, Gulluoglu M, Ergen A, Ozden T, Ongen B, Isbir T, Sokucu S. Genetıc Polymorphısms Determınıng Host Response Of Chıldren Infected Wıth Helıcobacter Pylorı. Journal Of Pedıatrıc Gastroenterology And Nutrıtıon. 2010;50(2);E6-E7. Impact factor:2,180
83-Canbay E, Agachan B, Gulluoglu M, Isbir T, Balik E, Yamaner S, Bulut T, Zeybek U, Sozen S, Cacina C, Yilmaz A, Bugra D. Assocıatıon Of Colorectal Cancer Development And Prognosıs Wıth Dna Repaır Genes. Dıseases Of The Colon & Rectum. 2010;53(4);657-657. Impact factor:2,819
84-Attar R, Cacina C, Sozen S, Attar E, Agachan B. DNA repair genes in endometriosis Genet Mol Res. 2010 Apr 6;9(2):629-36. PMID: 20391347 Impact factor:1,184
85-Canbay E, Agachan B, Ozturk T, Giris M, Asoglu O, Balik E, Bugra D. Dual inhibition of wound healing and oxidative process by montelukast in experimental colon anastomoses. Surg Innov. 2010 Sep;17(3):248-55. Epub 2010 Jul 15. Impact factor:2,255
86-Bektas-Kayhan K, Unür M, Yaylim-Eraltan I, Ergen HA, Toptas B, Hafiz G, Karadeniz A, Isbir T. Association of vitamin D receptor Taq I polymorphism and susceptibility to oral squamous cell carcinoma. In Vivo. 2010 Sep-Oct;24(5):755-9. PMID: 20952745 Impact factor:1,159
87-Agachan B, Attar R, Isbilen E, Aydogan HY, Sozen S, Gurdol F, Isbir T. Association of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and CC chemokine receptor 2 gene variants with preeclampsia. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2010 Sep;30(9):673-6. PMID: 20726788 Impact factor:2,576
88-Canbay E, Eraltan IY, Cercel A, Isbir T, Gazioglu E, Aydogan F, Cacina C, Cengiz A, Ferahman M, Zengin E, Unal H. CCND1 and CDKN1B polymorphisms and risk of breast cancer. Anticancer Res. 2010 Jul;30(7):3093-8. PMID: 20683061 Impact factor:1,725
89-Ozbek YK, Oztürk T, Tüzüner BM, Calay Z, Ilvan S, Seyhan FM, Kisakesen HI, Oztürk O, Isbir T. Combined effect of CYP1B1 codon 432 polymorphism and N-acetyltransferase 2 slow acetylator phenotypes in relation to breast cancer in the Turkish population. Anticancer Res. 2010 Jul;30(7):2885-9. PMID: 20683028 Impact factor:1,656
90-Yaylim-Eraltan I, Arikan S, Yildiz Y, Cacina C, Ergen HA, Tuna G, Gormus U, Zeybek U, Isbir T. The influence of cyclin D1 A870G polymorphism on colorectal cancer risk and prognosis in a Turkish population. Anticancer Res. 2010 Jul;30(7):2875-80. PMID:20683026 Impact factor:1,656
91-Attar R, Agachan B, Kuran SB, Toptas B, Eraltan IY, Attar E, Isbir T. Genetic variants of vascular endothelial growth factor and risk for the development of endometriosis. In Vivo. 2010 May-Jun;24(3):297-301. PMID: 20555002 Impact factor:1,159
92-Canbay E, Agachan B, Gulluoglu M, Isbir T, Balik E, Yamaner S, Bulut T, Cacina C, Eraltan IY, Yilmaz A, Bugra D. Possible associations of APE1 polymorphism with susceptibility and HOGG1 polymorphism with prognosis in gastric cancer. Anticancer Res. 2010 Apr;30(4):1359-64. PMID: 20530453 Impact factor:1,656
93-Narter KF, Agachan B, Sozen S, Cincin ZB, Isbir T. CCR2-64I is a risk factor for development of bladder cancer. Genet Mol Res. 2010 Apr 13;9(2):685-92. PMID: 20449800 Impact factor:1,013
94-Attar R, Agachan B, Kuran SB, Cacina C, Sozen S, Yurdum LM, Attar E, Isbir T.Association of CCL2 and CCR2 gene variants with endometrial cancer in Turkish women. In Vivo. 2010 Mar-Apr;24(2):243-8. PMID: 20364004 Impact factor:1,159
95-Cacina C, Yaylim-Eraltan I, Arikan S, Saglam EK, Zeybek U, Isbir T. Association between CDKN1A Ser31Arg and C20T gene polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk and prognosis. In Vivo. 2010 Mar-Apr;24(2):179-83. PMID: 20363991 Impact factor:1,159
96-Yildiz Yemliha, Yaylim-Eraltan Ilhan, Arikan Soykan, Ergen H. Arzu, Kucucuk Seden, Isbir Turgay. Is there any correlation between TNF-related adoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) genetic variants and breast cancer? Archıves Of Medıcal Scıence. 2010;6(6);932-936. Impact factor:1,199
97-Karaali ZE, Sozen S, Yurdum M, Cacina C, Toptas B, Gok O, Agachan B. Effect of genetic variants of chemokine receptors on the development of myocardial infarction in Turkish population. Mol Biol Rep. 2010 Oct;37(7):3615-9. Epub 2010 Feb 25. PMID: 20182805 Impact Factor: 1,875.
98-Tuzuner BM, Ozturk T, Kisakesen HI, Ilvan S, Zerrin C, Oztürk O, Isbir T. CYP17 (T-34C) and CYP19 (Trp39Arg) polymorphisms and their cooperative effects on breast cancer susceptibility. In Vivo. 2010 Jan-Feb;24(1):71-4. PMID: 20133979 Impact factor:1,159
99-Timirci O, Darendeliler F, Bas F, Arzu EH, Umit Z, Isbir T. Comparison of lipid profiles in relation to APOB EcoRI polymorphism in obese children with hyperlipidemia. In Vivo. 2010 Jan-Feb;24(1):65-9. PMID:20133978 Impact factor:1,159
2009 Publications
100-Taşkin EI, Akgün-Dar K, Kapucu A, Osanç E, Doğruman H, Eraltan H, Ulukaya E. Apoptosis-inducing effects of Morinda citrifolia L. and doxorubicin on the Ehrlich ascites tumor inBalb-c mice.Cell Biochem Funct. 2009 Dec;27(8):542-6.
101-Kurnaz O, Aydogan HY, Isbir CS, Tekeli A, Isbir T. Is LOX-1 K167N polymorphism protective for coronary artery disease? In Vivo. 2009 Nov-Dec;23(6):969-73 PMID:20023241 Impact factor:1,159
102-Kucukhuseyin O, Aydogan HY, Isbir CS, Isbir T. Associations of -374T/A polymorphism of receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) gene in Turkish diabetic and non-diabetic patients with coronary artery disease. In Vivo. 2009 Nov-Dec;23(6):949-54. PMID:20023238 Impact factor:1,159
103-Darendeliler F,Bas Firdevs, Bozkurt Nilufer, Uzunhan Ozan, Aycan Zehra, Cetinkaya Ergun, Berberoglu Merih, Siklar Zeynep, Ocal Gonul, Darcan Sukran,Goksen Damla, Bideci Aysun, Cinaz Peyami, Guran Tulay, Bober Ece, Tutunculer Filiz, Bundak Ruveyde, Isbir Turgay. The exon 3 deleted/full length growth hormone receptor polymorphism and response to GH therapy in GH deficiency and Turner syndrome: a multicenter study . Hormone Research. 2009;72(3);109-109.
104-Yilmaz A, Emre S, Agachan B, Bilge I, Yilmaz H, Ergen A, Isbir T, Sirin A. Effect of paraoxonase 1 gene polymorphisms on clinical course of Henoch-Schönlein purpura. J Nephrol. 2009 Nov-Dec;22(6):726-32. PMID:19967651
105-Oztürk O, Kağnici OF, Oztürk T, Durak H, Tüzüner BM, Kisakesen HI, Cakalir C, Isbir T. 192R allele of paraoxanase 1 (PON1) gene as a new marker for susceptibility to bladder cancer. Anticancer Res. 2009 Oct;29(10):4041-6. PMID:19846948
106-Yaylim-Eraltan I, Ergen A, Görmüs U, Arikan S, Küçücük S, Sahin O, Yigit N, Yildiz Y, Isbir T. Breast cancer and cyclin D1 gene polymorphism in Turkish women. In Vivo. 2009 Sep-Oct;23(5):767-72. PMID:19779113 Impact factor:1,159
107-Attar R, Agachan B, Kucukhuseyin O, Toptas B, Attar E, Isbir T. Association of interleukin 1beta gene (+3953) polymorphism and severity of endometriosis in Turkish women. Mol Biol Rep. 2010 Jan;37(1):369-74. PMID:19757173 İmpact Factor: 1,875.
108-Bektas-Kayhan K, Unür M, Yaylim-Eraltan I, Ergen A, Hafiz G, Karadeniz A, Isbir T. Role of L-MYC polymorphism in oral squamous cell carcinoma in Turkey. Anticancer Res. 2009 Jul;29(7):2519-24. PMID:19596922
109-Agaçhan B, Kuçukhuseyin O, Aksoy P, Turna A, Yaylim I, Gormus U, Ergen A, Zeybek U, Dalan B, Isbir T. Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1) gene polymorphisms and lung cancer risk in relation to tobacco smoking. Anticancer Res. 2009 Jun;29(6):2417-20. PMID:19528510
110-Isbilen E, Yilmaz H, Arzu Ergen H, Unlucerci Y, Isbir T, Gurdol F. Association of paraoxonase 55 and 192 gene polymorphisms on serum homocysteine concentrations in preeclampsia. Folia Biol (Praha). 2009;55(2):35-40. PMID:19454176
111-Arpaci A, Görmüs U, Dalan B, Berkman S, Isbir T. Investigation of PON1 192 and PON1 55 polymorphisms in ovarian cancer patients in Turkish population. In Vivo. 2009 May-Jun;23(3):421-4. PMID:19454508 Impact factor:1,159
112-Karakas Z, Atasever B, Kuruca S. Erdem, Erman B, Ergen A, Isbir T, Agaoglu L. Natural Kıller Actıvıty And Effect Of Il-2 In Patıents Wıth Beta-Thalassemıa Major. Haematologıca-The Hematology Journal. 2009;94;502-502.
113-Kalay E, Ergen A, Narter F, Agaçhan B, Gormus U, Yigit N, Isbir T. ARE-I polymorphism on PSA gene in prostate cancer patients of a Turkish population. Anticancer Res. 2009 Apr; 9(4):1395-8. PMID:19414393
114-Atasever B, Kuruca S. Erdem, Karakas Z, Erman B, Ergen A, Isbir T, Gunal G. Phenotypıc And Functıonal Studıes Of Natural Kıller (Nk) Cell Subsets In Beta-Thalassemıa Major Patıents. Haematologıca-The Hematology Journal. 2009;94;500-501.
115-Narter KF, Ergen A, Agaçhan B, Gormus U, Timirci O, Isbir T. Bladder cancer and polymorphisms of DNA repair genes (XRCC1, XRCC3, XPD, XPG, APE1, hOGG1). Anticancer Res. 2009 Apr;29(4):1389-93. PMID:19414392
116-Aydogan HY, Isbir S, Kurnaz O, Gormus U, Isbir T. Associations of lipoprotein lipase S447X and apolipoprotein E genotypes with low-density lipoprotein subfractions in Turkish patients with coronary artery disease. In Vivo. 2009 Jan-Feb;23(1):155-61. PMID:19368142 Impact factor:1,159
117-Zejnilovic J, Akev N, Yilmaz H, Isbir T. Association between manganese superoxide dismutase polymorphism and risk of lung cancer. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2009 Feb;189(1):1-4. PMID:19167605
118-Cizmecioglu, F.M., N. Etiler, A. Ergen, U. Gormus, A. Keser, N. Hekim, O. Hamzaoglu, S. Hatun.Association of Adiponectin, Resistin and High Sensitive CRP Level with the Metabolic Syndrome in Childhood and Adolescence. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2009; 117(10):622-7.
119-Dikensoy E, Balat O, Pence S, Akcali C, Cicek H.The risk of hepatotoxicity during long-term and low-dose flutamide treatment in hirsutism.Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2009 Mar;279(3):321-7. Epub 2008 Jul 8.
120-Dikensoy E, Balat O, Pence S, Balat A, Cekmen M, Yurekli M.The changes of plasma malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, and adrenomedullin levels in patients with preeclampsia.Hypertens Pregnancy. 2009 Aug;28(4):383-9.
121-Pençe S, Erkutlu I, Kurtul N, Alptekin M, Tan U.Effects of progesterone on total brain tissue adenosine deaminase activity in experimental epilepsy.Int J Neurosci. 2009;119(2):204-13.
2008 Publications
122-Pence S, Bosnak M, Kurtul N, Ugur MG, Erkutlu I, Bagci C, Tan U.The effect of progesterone on total brain tissue sialic acid levels in experimental epilepsy.Int J Neurosci. 2008 Jan;118(1):105-18.
123-Isbir S, Ergen A, Yilmaz H, Tekeli A, Arsan S. Effect of Ala16Val genetic polymorphism of MnSOD on antioxidant capacity and inflammatory response in open heart surgery. In Vivo. 2008 Jan-Feb;22(1):147-51.
124-Tan U, Pençe S, Yilmaz M, Ozkur A, Karaca S, Tan M, Karataş M.“Unertan Syndrome” in two Turkish Families in Relation to Devolution and Emergence of Homo Erectus: Neurological Examination, MRI, and pet Scans.Int J Neurosci. 2008 Mar;118(3):313-36.
125-Tan U, Karaca S, Tan M, Yilmaz B, Bagci NK, Ozkur A, Pence S.Unertan syndrome: A case series demonstrating human devolution.Int J Neurosci. 2008 Jan;118(1):1-25.
126-Dikensoy E, Balat O, Pençe S, Balat A, Cekmen M, Yurekli M.Malondialdehyde, nitric oxide and adrenomedullin levels in patients with primary dysmenorrhea.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2008 Dec;34(6):1049-53.
127-Unur M, Demirez E, Ağaçhan B, Görmüş U, Ergen A, Dalan B, Isbir T. The relationship of oral disturbances of diabetes mellitus patients with paraoxonase gene polymorphisms. Cell Biochem Funct. 2008 Dec;26(8):870-3. PMID:19003935
128-Dalan AB, Ergen A, Yilmaz H, Karateke A, Isbir T. Manganese superoxide dismutase gene polymorphism, MnSOD plasma levels and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2008 Oct;34(5):878-84. PMID:18834346
129-Tekeli A, Isbir S, Ergen A, Gormuş U, Bozkurt N, Timirci O, Arsan S, Isbir T. APE1 and XRCC3 polymorphisms and myocardial infarction. In Vivo. 2008 Jul-Aug;22(4):477-9. PMID:18712175 impact factor:1,159
130-Gozu A, Ergen A, Dayicioglu D, Yaylim I, Ozsoy Z, Isbir T. L-myc polymorphism in head and neck nonmelanoma skin and lower lip cancers. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Jul;134(7):725-8. PMID:18645122
131-Yaylim-Eraltan I, Bozkurt N, Ergen A, Zeybek U, Ozturk O, Arikan S, Erbil Y, Uslu I, Camlica H, Isbir T. L-myc gene polymorphism and risk of thyroid cancer. Exp Oncol. 2008 Jun;30(2):117-20. PMID:18566574
132-Kuran Sibel Bulgurcuoglu, Ergen Arzu, Gormus Uzay, Agachan Bedia, Zeybek Umit, Isbir Turgay. Serum Myeloperoxıdase Level And Gene Polymorphısm In Endometrıum Cancer . Antıcancer Res. 2008;28(5C);3298-3298.
133-Narter Kamil Fehmi, Ergen Arzu, Agachan Bedia, Zeybek Umit, Gormus Uzay, Isbir Turgay. Gene Polymorphısm In Bladder Cancer. Antıcancer Res. 2008;28(5C);3298-3298.
134-Ergen A, Isbir S, Tekeli A, Isbir T.. Investigation of ABCA1 C69T and G-191C polymorphisms in coronary artery disease. In Vıvo . 2008;22(2);187-190 PMID: 18468402
135-Isbir CS, Ergen A, Tekeli A, Zeybek U, Gormus U, Arsan S. The effect of NQO1 polymorphism on the inflammatory response in cardiopulmonary bypass. Cell Biochem Funct. 2008 Jun;26(4):534-8. PubMed PMID: 18098117. PMID:18098117
136-Ozger H, Kilicoglu O, Yilmaz H, Ergen HA, Yaylim I, Zeybek U, Isbir T. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T gene polymorphism in osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma patients. Folia Biol (Praha). 2008;54(2):53-7. PMID:18498722
2007 Publications
137-Pence S, Erkutlu I, Kurtul N, Bosnak M, Tan U.Total brain tissue sialic acid levels due to glutathione effect in experimental epilepsy.Int J Neurosci. 2007 Nov;117(11):1523-35.
138-Isbir, SC, A Tekeli, A Ergen, H Yilmaz, K Ak, A Civelek, U Zeybek, S Arsan. Genetic polymorphisms contribute to acute kidney injury after coronary artery bypass grafting. Heart Surg Forum. 2007;10(6):E439-44.
139-Ergen HA, Gormus U, Narter F, Zeybek U, Bulgurcuoglu S, Isbir T. Investigation of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) C609T polymorphism in prostate cancer. Anticancer Res. 2007 Nov-Dec;27(6B):4107-10.
140-Gormus U, Ergen A, Yaylim-Eraltan I, Yilmaz H, Turna A, Bozkurt N, Isbir T. Fas-1377 A/G polymorphism in lung cancer. In Vivo. 2007 Jul-Aug;21(4):663-6. impact factor:1,159
141-Ergen HA, Narter F, Timirci O, Isbir T. Effects of manganase superoxide dismutase Ala-9Val polymorphism on prostate cancer: a case-control study. Anticancer Res. 2007 Mar-Apr;27(2):1227-30. PubMed PMID: 17465268. impact factor:1,656
142-Gormus U, Ergen A, Yilmaz H, Dalan B, Berkman S, Isbir T. Fas-1377A/G and FasL-844 T/C gene polymorphisms and epithelial ovarian cancer. Anticancer Res. 2007 Mar-Apr;27(2):991-4.
143-Yigit B, Bozkurt N, Narter F, Yilmaz H, Yucebas E, Isbir T. Effects of ACE I/D polymorphism on prostate cancer risk, tumor grade and metastatis. Anticancer Res. 2007 Mar-Apr;27(2):933-6.
144-Ozturk Tulin, Durak Haydar, Ozturk Oguz, Isbir Turgay, Cakalir Canser. Investigation of CYP 1A1 and GST M1 gene polymorphisms and p53 immunhistochemical staining with clinical and pathologic features in patient with transitional cell bladder carcinoma. Vırchows Archıv. 2007;451(2);413-413.
145-Emre S, Sirin A, Ergen A, Bilge I, Sucu A, Yilmaz A, Isbir T. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism in patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Pedıatrıc Nephrology. 2007;22(9);1539-1539.
146-Yaylim-Eraltan I, Arzu Ergen H, Arikan S, Okay E, Oztürk O, Bayrak S, Isbir T. Investigation of the VDR gene polymorphisms association with susceptibility to colorectal cancer. Cell Biochem Funct. 2007 Nov-Dec;25(6):731-7.
147-Zeybek U, Yaylim I, Yilmaz H, Ağaçhan B, Ergen A, Arikan S, Bayrak S, Isbir T. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism in patients with gastric and colorectal cancer. Cell Biochem Funct. 2007 Jul-Aug;25(4):419-22.
148-Yigit B, Bozkurt N, Berber I, Titiz I, Isbir T. Analysis of CC chemokine receptor 5 and 2 polymorphisms and renal transplant survival. Cell Biochem Funct. 2007 Jul-Aug;25(4):423-6.
149-Bilge I, Sirin A, Agachan B, Emre S, Sadikoglu B, Yilmaz H, Sucu A, Isbir T. Is paraoxonase 192 gene polymorphism a risk factor for membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in children? Cell Biochem Funct. 2007 Mar-Apr;25(2):159-65.
150-Hekim N, Ergen A, Yaylim I, Yilmaz H, Zeybek U, Oztürk O, Isbir T. No association between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and breast cancer. Cell Biochem Funct. 2007 Jan-Feb;25(1):115-7.
151-Aydin M, Ozkok E, Ozturk O, Agachan B, Yilmaz H, Yaylim I, Kebabcioglu S, Ispir T. Relationship between interleukin-8 and the oxidant-antioxidant system in end-stage renal failure patients. Exp Clin Transplant. 2007 Jun;5(1):610-3.
152-Ak, K., S. Isbir, A. Tekeli, A. Ergen, N. Atalan, S. Dogan, A.Civelek, S. Arsan. Presence of lipoprotein lipase S447X stop codon affects the magnitude of interleukin 8 release after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007; 134(2):477-83.
2006 Publications
153-Kafadar AM, Ergen A, Zeybek U, Agachan B, Kuday C , Isbir T. Paraoxonase 192 gene polymorphism and serum paraoxonase activity in high grade gliomas and meningiomas.Cell Biochem Funct. Sep-Oct 2006; 24(5):455-460
154-Biyikli NK, Alpay H, Yildiz N, Agachan B, Ergen A, Zeybek U, Bozkurt N, Ispir T. Paraoxonase 1 192 and 55 polymorphisms in nephrotic children Pediatric Nephrology May 2006 2(5):649-654.
155-Kafadar AM, Yilmaz H, Kafadar D, Ergen A, Zeybek U, Bozkurt N, Kuday C, Isbir T. C677T Gene Polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) In Meningiomas And High Grade Gliomas. Anticancer Res. 2006; 26:2445-2450
156-Guzel O., Inal Gultekin G., Cıraklı Z.T., Eraslan E., Aktaş M. Effects of propofol and sevoflurane anesthesia on some physiological and biochemical parameters in rabbits. Medycyna Weterynaryjina, 2006;62(12):1383-1386.
157-Yigit B, Bozkurt N, Yaylim I, Titiz I, Isbir T. Analysis of L-myc gene polymorphism in patients with renal failure outcome to renal transplant. Transplant Proc. 2006 Jun;38(5):1267-9. PubMed PMID: 16797278.
158-Zeybek U, Isbir T, Ergen HA, Yılmaz H, Hekim N, Akoglu E, The Effects Of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Taq1b Polymorphism In Renal Transplant Patients. Transplantation Proceedings 2006 38(5): 1382-1384
159-Yilmaz H, Isbir S, Agachan B, Ergen A, Farsak B, Isbir T. C677T mutation of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene and serum homocysteine levels in Turkish patients with coronary artery disease. Cell Biochem Funct. 2006 Jan-Feb;24(1):87-90.
2005 Publications
160-Cagli K, Bagci C, Gulec M, Cengiz B, Akyol O, Sari I, Cavdar S, Pence S, Dinckan H.In Vivo Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury and Apoptotic Changes in Rats.Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2005 Autumn;35(4):440-8. impact factor:1,159
161-Agachan B, Yilmaz H, Ergen HA, Karaali ZE, Isbir T. Paraoxonase (PON1) 55 and 192 polymorphism and its effects to oxidant-antioxidant system in turkish patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Physiol Res. 2005;54(3):287-93. PubMed PMID: 15974833.
162-Okay E, Karadenizli A, Muezzinoğlu B, Zeybek U, Ergen HA, Isbir T, N-Acetylcysteine attenuates bacterial translocation after partial hepatoctemy in rats. Journal of Surgical Research. 2005, 127(2):164-70
163-Yilmaz H, Isbir T, Agachan B, Karaali ZE. Effects of cholesterol ester transfer protein Taq1B gene polymorphism on serum lipoprotein levels in Turkish coronary artery disease patients Cell Bıochemıstry And Functıon Jan-Feb 2005 23(1): 23-28.
164-Karaali ZE, Agachan B, Yilmaz H ,Isbir T ,Angiotensin-converting enzyme I/D gene polymorphisms and effects of left ventricular hypertrophy in Turkish myocardial infarction patients. Acta Cardıologıca 2005 21 Oct 2004 59(5): 493-497.
2004 Publications
165-Ergen HA, Hatemi H, Agachan B, Camlica H, Isbir T. Angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene polymorphism in Turkish type 2 diabetic patients. Experımental And Molecular Medıcıne. Aug 31 2004 36(4): 345-350.
166-Ciftçi M, Ozmen I, Büyükokuroğlu ME, Pençe S, Küfrevioğlu OI. Effects of metamizol and magnesium sulfate on enzyme activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from human erythrocyte in vitro and rat erythrocyte in vivo. Clin Biochem. 2001 Jun;34(4):297-302.
167-Kurtul N, Pence S, Akarsu E, Kocoglu H, Aksoy Y, Aksoy H. Adenosine deaminase activity in the serum of type 2 diabetic patients. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove). 2004;47(1):33-5.
168-Agachan B, Yilmaz H, Isbir T, Akoglu E, Paraoxonase 192 polymorphism and its relationship to serum lipids in Turkish renal transplant recipients. Transplantatıon Proceedıngs. Jun 2004 36(5): 1385-1386.
169-Isbir Turgay. Analysıs Of L-Myc Gene Polymorphısm In Breast, Gastrıc, Lung And Thyroıd Cancer. Antıcancer Res. 2004;24(5D);3523-3524.
170-Yilmaz H, Agachan B, Karaali ZE, Isbir T. Taq1B polymorphism of CETP gene on lipid abnormalities in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Int J Mol Med. 2004 Jun;13(6):889-93.
171-Agachan B, Yilmaz H , Karaali Z , Isbir T, Paraoxonase 55 and 192 polymorphism and its relationship to serum paraoxonase activity and serum lipids in Turkish patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Cell Bıochemıstry And Functıon. May-Jun 2004 22( 3): 163-168.
172-Gurdol F, Işbilen E, Yilmaz H, Isbir T, Dirican A. The association between preeclampsia and angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism.Clin Chim Acta. 2004 Mar;341(1-2):127-31. PubMed PMID: 14967168.
173-Oktem F, Sirin A , Bilge I, Emre S, Agachan B, Ispir T. ACE I/D gene polymorphism in primary FSGS and steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol. 2004 Apr;19(4):384-9. Epub 2004 Feb 21.
174-Yilmaz H, Unluçerçi Y, Gurdol F, Isbilen E, Isbir T. Association of pre-eclampsia with hyperhomocysteinaemia and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene C677T polymorphism in a Turkish population. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 Oct;44(5):423-7. PubMed PMID: 15387863.
175-Yilmaz H, Agachan B, Ergen A, Karaalib ZE, Isbir T , Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase C677T mutation and left ventricular hypertrophy in Turkish patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Journal Of Bıochemıstry And Molecular Bıology. Mar 31 2004 37(2): 234-238
2003 Publications
176-Akgun S, Tekeli A, Isbir SC, Civelek A, Ak K, Sirvanci S, Arbak S, Yaylim I, Arsan S. FK506 to prevent lung injury after hindlimb ischemia and reperfusion in a rat model: an electronmicroscopic study. Surg Today. 2004;34(8):678-84.
177-“İsbir, C.S., K. Ak, Ö. Kurtkaya, Ü. Zeybek, S. Akgün, B.W. Scheitauer, A.Sav , A. Çobanoğlu.Ischemic Preconditioning and Nicotinamide in Spinal Cord Protection in an Experimental Model of Transient Aortic Occlusion. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2003 Jun;23(6):1028-33.
178-Yaylim I, Bozkurt N, Yilmaz H, Isbir T, Isik N, Arikan S. The apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele is not a risk factor for Turkish breast cancer patients.Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2003 Oct 1;146(1):86-7. PubMed PMID: 14499704.
179-Yilmaz H, Agachan B, Ergen HA, Karaali ZE, Isbir T. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T mutation has an important effect on hyperhomocysteinemia and left ventricul hypertrophy in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Journal Of Hypertensıon. 2003;21(4);100-100.
180-Agachan B, Isbir T, Yilmaz H, Akoglu E. Angiotensin converting enzyme I/D, angiotensinogen T174M-M235T and angiotensin II type 1 receptor A1166C gene polymorphisms in Turkish hypertensive patients. Exp Mol Med. 2003 Dec 31;35(6):545-9.
181-Ozturk O, Isbir T, Yaylim I, Kocaturk CI, Gurses A. GST M1 and CYP1A1 gene polymorphism and daily fruit consumption in Turkish patients with non-small cell lung carcinomas. In Vivo. 2003 Nov-Dec;17(6):625-32. PubMed PMID: 14758730. impact factor:1,159
182-Isbir T, Yilmaz H, Agachan B, Karaali ZE. Cholesterol ester transfer protein, apolipoprotein E and lipoprotein lipase genotypes in patients with coronary artery disease in the Turkish population. Clınıcal Genetıcs. Sep 2003 64(3): 228-234
183-Isbir T, Yaman A, Yaylim I, Yilmaz H, Oztürk O. Association between Apo B signal peptide gene polymorphism and NIDDM. Cell Biochem Funct. 2003 Jun;21(2):189-90. PubMed PMID: 12736910.
184-Agachan B, Yilmaz H, Karaali Z, Isbir T. Serum paraoxonase activity, and genotype distribution in diabetes mellitus and its relationship to serum lipids. Journal Of Hypertensıon . 2003;21(4);309-309.
185-Yilmaz H, Agachan B, Isbir T , Akoglu E. Is there additional effect of Mthfr C677t mutation on lipid abnormalities in renal allograft recipients? Transplantatıon Proceedıngs Jun 2003 35(4):1390-1392
2002 Publications
186-Kurtul N, Pençe S, Kocoglu H, Aksoy H, Capan Y.Serum lipid and lipoproteins in gallstone patients.Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove). 2002;45(2):79-81.
187-Eren E, Yilmaz N, Pence S, Kocoglu H, Göksu S, Kocabaş R, Kadayifci S. Diagnostic value of C-reactive protein in patients with angiographically documented coronary heart disease. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove). 2002;45(4):155-60.
188-Pençe S.Paw preference in rats.J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2002;13(1):41-9.
189-Yaylim I, Isbir T. Enhanced casein kinase II (CK II) activity in human lung tumours. Anticancer Res. 2002 Jan-Feb;22(1A):215-8. PubMed PMID: 12017291.
190-Isbir T, Yaylim I, Arikan S, Kaytan E, Karsidag T, Bayrak S, Camlica H. Close Correlation Between Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Of L-Myc Gene And Susceptibility To Gastric Cancer. Cancer Detectıon And Preventıon. 2002;26(6);454-457
191-Yaylim I, Isbir T, Oztürk O, Turna A, Işitmangil T, Zonuzi F, Camlica H. Is there any correlation between restriction fragment length polymorphism of the L-MYC gene and metastasis of human nonsmall cell lung cancer? Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2002 Apr 15;134(2):118-22. PubMed PMID: 12034523.
192-Isbir T, Yaylim I, Arıkan S, Kuçucuk S, Camlica H. Increased frequency of the S-allele of the L-myc oncogene in breast cancer. Mol Med. 2002 Sep;8(9):521-4. PubMed PMID: 12456990; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2040019.
193-Isbir T, Yaylim I, Arikan S, Kaytan E, Karşidag T, Bayrak S, Camlica H. Close correlation between restriction fragment length polymorphism of L-myc gene and susceptibility to gastric cancer. Cancer Detect Prev. 2002;26(6):454-7. PubMed PMID: 12507230.
194-Satman I, Yilmaz T, Sengül A, Salman S, Salman F, Uygur S, Bastar I, Tütüncü Y, Sargin M, Dinççag N, Karsidag K, Kalaça S, Ozcan C, King H. Population-based study of diabetes and risk characteristics in Turkey: results of the turkishdiabetes epidemiology study (TURDEP). Diabetes Care. 2002 Sep;25(9):1551-6.
2001 Publications
195-Yilmaz M, Bayazit YA, Erbagci I, Pençe S. Visual evoked potential changes in migraine.influence of migraine attack and aura. J Neurol Sci. 2001 Mar 1;184(2):139-41.
196-Isbir CS, Doğan R, Demircin M, Yaylim I, Paşaoğlu I.Aprotinin reduces the IL-8 after coronary artery bypass grafting. Cardiovasc Surg. 2001 Aug;9(4):403-6.
197-Yilmaz F, Isbir T, Agachan B, Aydin M. Is epsilon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E associated with more severe end-organ damage in essential hypertension? Cell Bıochemıstry And Functıon. Sep 2001 19(3): 191-195
198-Isbir T, Agaçhan B, Yilmaz H, Aydin M, Kara I, Eker D, Eker E. Interaction between apolipoprotein-E and angiotensin-converting enzyme genotype in Alzheimer’s disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2001 Jul-Aug;16(4):205-10. PubMed PMID: 11501342.
199-Bozkurt N, Ozturk O, Isbir T. New MCAD gene mutation, not previously reported in other nations, found at A1161G in Turkish population. Am J Med Genet. 2001 Oct 15;103(3):255-6. PubMed PMID: 11746002.
200-Ildan F, Goçer AI, Tuna M, Polat S, Kaya M, Isbir T, Cetinalp E. The effects of the pre-treatment of intravenous nimodipine on Na(+)-K+/Mg+2 ATPase, Ca+2/Mg+2 ATPase, lipid peroxidation and early ultrastructural findings following middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat. Neurol Res. 2001 Jan;23(1):96-104. PubMed PMID: 11210440.
201-Isbir T, Agaçhan B, Yilmaz H, Aydin M, Kara I, Eker E, Eker D. Apolipoprotein-E gene polymorphism and lipid profiles in Alzheimer’s disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2001 Mar-Apr;16(2):77-81. PubMed PMID: 11302074.
202-Isbir CS, Akgun S, Yilmaz H, Civelek A , Ak K ,Tekeli A , Agachan B, Cobanoglu A. Is there a role of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism in the failure of arteriovenous femoral shunts for hemodialysis? Annals Of Vascular Surgery Jul 2001; 15(4): 443-446
203-Oztaş B, Kiliç S, Dural E, Ispir T. Influence of antioxidants on the blood-brain barrier permeability during epileptic seizures. J Neurosci Res. 2001 Nov 15;66(4):674-8. PubMed PMID: 11746387.
204-Ozturk O ,Yaylim I, Aydin M, Yilmaz H , Agachan B, Demiralp E, Isbir T. Increased plasma levels of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in beta-thalassaemia major. Haematologıa. 2001 31(3): 237-244
2000 Publications
205-Agachan B, Yilmaz H, Aydin M, Isbir T. Is there any association between apolipoprotein E and angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dementia in Turkish Population? Neuroscıence Research Communıcatıons. Nov-Dec 2000; 27(3): 165-173
206-Oztaş B, Erkin E, Dural E, Isbir T. Influence of antioxidants on blood-brain barrier permeability during adrenaline-induced hypertension. Int J Neurosci. 2000 Nov;105(1-4):27-35. PubMed PMID: 11069044.
207-Koç M, Ozener IC, Tezcan H, Bihorac A, Isbir T, Akoğlu E. Left ventricular hypertrophy and angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism in renal allograft recipients. Transplant Proc. 2000 May;32(3):542-4. PubMed PMID:10812105.
208-Isbir T, Agachan B, Yilmaz H, Aydin M. Angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism in Alzheimer’s disease. Cell Biochem Funct. Jun 2000; 18(2): 141-142
209-Aydin M, Cengiz S, Agachan B, Yilmaz H, Isbir T. Age-related changes in GM1, GD1a, GT1b components of gangliosides in Wistar albino rats. Cell Biochem Funct. 2000 Mar;18(1):41-5.
210-Isbir T , Yaylim I , Aydin M , Ozturk O, Koyuncu H, Zeybek U, Agachan B, Yilmaz H. The effects of Brassica oleraceae var capitata on epidermal glutathione and lipid peroxides in DMBA-initiated-TPA-promoted mice. Anticancer Res. 2000 Jan-Feb;20(1A):219-24.1999 Publications
211-Yilmaz H, Agachan B, Aydin M, Isbir T. Association between apolipoprotein E and angiotensin converting enzyme genotype in essential hypertension. IUBMB Life. 1999 Aug;48(2):205-7.
212-Isbir T. The Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Istanbul, Institute of Experimental Medical Research. Molecular Medıcıne. 1999;5(2);69-70
1998 Publications
213-Tan U, Pençe S, Tan M.The Prenatal Attenuation of Brain/Body Development Through Interactions Between Growth Hormone, Triiodothyronine and Testosterone During Prenatal Development of Female Neonates.Int J Neurosci. 1998 Sep;95(3-4):237-45.
1997 Publications
214-Isbir T, Taylor A, Tamer L, Yucebilgic G,Oner A. Zinc and selenium status of healthy children from the Central Anatolian region of Turkey. Trace Elements And Electrolytes . 1997;14(2);87-90
215-Isbir T, Yilmaz H, Bihorac A, Akoglu E. Mild-to-moderate hypertension and apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism. Am J Hypertens. 1997 Jul;10(7 Pt 1):827-8.PubMed PMID: 9234841.
1996 Publications
216-Koçak R, Başlamişli F, Güvenç B, Tamer L, Aikimbaev KS, Isbir T. Bencyclane as an anti-sickling agent. Br J Haematol. 1996 Feb;92(2):329-31. PubMed PMID:8602994.
217-Ildan F, Polat S, Gocer AI, Oner A, Isbir, T, Mete UO, Kaya M, Karadayi A. The Effects Of The Pretreatment Of Intravenous High Dose Methylprednisolone On Na+-K+/Mg+2 Atpase And Lipid Peroxidation And Early Ultrastructural Findings Following Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion İn The Rat. Acta Neurochırurgıca. 1996;138(3);338-345
218-Isbir T, Taylor A, Taner L, Kaleagasioglu F. Serum selenium levels of children living in Adana, Turkey. Trace Elements And Electrolytes. 1996;13(3);136-137.
219-Ildan F, Polat S, Göcer AI, Oner A, Isbir T, Mete UO, Kaya M, Karadayi A.The effects of the pretreatment of intravenous high dose methylprednisolone on Na(+)-K(+)/Mg(+2) ATPase and lipid peroxidation and early ultrastructural findings following middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 1996;138(3):338-45. PubMed PMID: 8861704.
1995 Publications
220-Ildan F, Polat S, Oner A, Isbır T, Gocer AI, Tap O, Kaya M, Karadayi A. Effects Of Naloxone On Sodium-Activated And Potassium-Activated And Magnesium-Dependent Adenosine-5′-Triphosphatase Activity And Lipid-Peroxidation And Early Ultrastructural Findings After Experimental Spinal-Cord Injury. Neurosurgery. 1995;36(4): 797-80.
221-Itegın M, Gunay I, Logoglu G, Isbır, T. Effects Of Static Magnetic-Field On Specific Adenosine-5′-Triphosphatase Activities And Bioelectrical And Biomechanical Properties In The Rat Diaphragm Muscle. Bioelectromagnetics. 1995;16(3);147-151
222-Ildan F, Oner A, Polat S, Isbir T, Göcer AI, Kaya M, Karadayi A. Correlation of alterations on Na(+)-K+/Mg+2 ATPase activity, lipid peroxidation and ultrastructural findings following experimental spinal cord injury with and without intravenous methylprednisolone treatment. Neurosurg Rev.1995;18(1):35-44. PubMed PMID: 7566528.
223-Isbir T, Tamer L, Erkisi Kekec Y, Doran F, Varinli S, Taylor A. Copper, Zinc And Magnesium In Serum And Tissues From Patients With Carcinoma Of Breast, Stomach And Colon. Trace Elements And Electrolytes. 1995;12(3);113-115
224-Isbir T, Kepekci Y, Tamer L, Yucebilgic G, Demirtas M, Tukel S, Taylor A, Isbir M. Plasma Copper Levels In Ankylosing Spondilitis Patients With Cardiovascular Complications. Trace Elements And Electrolytes. 1995;12(3);119-121
225-Isbir T, Yucebilgic G, Tamer L, Baslamili F, Kocak R,Taylor A. Zinc, Copper, Magnesium And Sickle-Cell-Anemia. Trace Elements And Electrolytes. 1995;12(3);161-161
226-Itegin M, Gunay I, Logoglu G, Isbir T. Effects of static magnetic field on specific adenosine-5′- triphosphatase activities and bioelectrical and biomechanical properties in the rat diaphragm muscle. Bioelectromagnetics.1995;16(3):147-51. PubMed PMID: 7677790.
227-Ildan F, Polat S, Oner A, Isbir T, Cetinalp E, Kaya M, Karadayi A. The effect of the treatment of high-dose methylprednisolone on Na(+)-K(+)/Mg(+2) ATPase activity and lipid peroxidation and ultrastructural findings following cerebral contusion in rat. Surg Neurol. 1995 Dec;44(6):573-80. PubMed PMID:8669035.
- Engin Aynacı, Ender Coşkunpınar, Ayşe Eren, Onur Kum, Yasemin Müşteri Oltulu, Nergiz Akkaya, Akif Turna, İlhan Yaylım, Pınar Yıldız. Investigation of theassociation of survivin gene -625G/C polymorphism in non-smallcelllungcancer.Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology 2012, 10(1):27-32, Haliç University.
- Nazlı Turan, Arzu Ergen, Soykan Arıkan, Ilhan Yaylım, Turgay Isbir. Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü. Deneysel Tıp Dergisi 2(4):30-37, (2012).
- Ender Coşkunpınar, Sema Anak, Leyla Ağaoğlu, Ayşegül Ünüvar, Ömer Devecioğlu, Gönül Aydoğan, Çetin Timur, Ahmet Faik Öner, Yıldız Yıldırmak, Tiraje Celkan, İnci Yıldız, Nazan Sarper, Uğur Özbek. Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations and FLT3 gene Mutations in Childhood Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Patients Turk J Hematol 2012; 29 (3) : 225-232 doi: 10.5505/tjh.2012.24392
- A.B. Akadam-Teker, T. İsbir, H. Y. Aydoğan. ProProtein Konvertaz Subtilisin/Keksin-9 (PCSK9) Enzim Genindeki Varyasyonlar ve Ateroskleroz. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2012 Basımda
- Ö. Gül, E. Öztürk, M G Uğur, F B Cebesoy, N Kurtul, S Pençe, S Pehlivan, Ö Balat. Preeklamptik Gebelerde Serum Total Sialik Asit Seviyeleri ve Sialik Asit Esteraz Gen Varyasyonu. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol. 9(2),99-105. (2012).
- A.B. Akadam-Teker, T. İsbir, H. Y. Aydoğan. ProProtein Konvertaz Subtilisin/Keksin-9 (PCSK9) Enzim Genindeki Varyasyonlar ve Ateroskleroz. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2012 Basımda
- Ö. Gül, E. Öztürk, M G Uğur, F B Cebesoy, N Kurtul, S Pençe, S Pehlivan, Ö Balat.
- Preeklamptik Gebelerde Serum Total Sialik Asit Seviyeleri ve Sialik Asit Esteraz Gen Varyasyonu. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol. 9(2),99-105. (2012).
- Engin AYNACI, Ender COŞKUNPINAR, Ayşe EREN, Onur KUM, Yasemin MÜŞTERİ OLTULU, Nergiz AKKAYA, Akif TURNA, İlhan YAYLIM, Pınar YILDIZ. Survivin geni -625G/C polimorfizminin Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer Kanseri ile ilişkisinin araştırılması. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology 10(1):27-32, 2012, Research Article 27, Haliç University, Printed in Turkey
- Ender Coşkunpınar, Sema Anak, Leyla Agaoglu, Aysegul Unuvar, Omer Devecioglu, Gonul Aydogan, Cetin Timur, Ahmet Faik Oner, Yildiz Yildirmak, Inci Yildiz, Nazan Sarper, Ugur Ozbek. Analysis of Choromosomal Aberratıons and FLT3 Gene Mutations in Childhood Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Patients. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 2012 Mar Accepted (In press)
- Görmüş U, Ergen HA, Zeybek Ü, “Metabolizma Atlası”, İstanbul, 2011.
- Esen B, Daşdemir S, Çinçin ZB, Özdemircan A, Çakmakoğlu B. Diyabet Hastalığında Osteoprotegerin (OPG) proteini T950C gen Polimorfizminin İncelenmesi. Deneysel Tıp Dergisi,1(1):40-46, 2011
- Gökhan Bağcı, Zeynep Birsu Çinçin, Selçuk Daşdemir, Abdullah Özdemircan, Zeynep Ermis Karaali, Bedia ÇakmakoğluDiyabetik Koroner Arter Hastalığında Monosit Kemotaktik Proteini ( MCP-1) A A-2518G ve CCR2 Reseptörü G190A Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi, Deneysel Tıp Dergisi,1(2):9-13, 2011
- Özkök E., Kızmaz AN, Çakmakoğlu B, Aydoğan HY, Eraltan İY, Öztürk O, Aydın M. Wistar albino sıçanlarda İleal Anastomoz iyileşmesinde Piroksikamın etkisi. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 2011, 1(2): 20-23
- Eraslan Uygur, E., Ergül Ekiz, E., Akyazi, I., İnal Gültekin, G., Arslan, M. Investigation of the long term effects of chronic white noise stress on learning in radial arm maze and behaviors in forced swim test. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011;58:233-238.
- Ö. Küçükhüseyin, H. Y. Aydoğan, T. İsbir. İleri glikozillenmiş son ürün reseptörü (RAGE) ve yapısı. Diabet Bilimi. 2010; 8(6): 239-252.
- Arzu Ergen, Özlem Timirci Kahraman, Ümit Zeybek, Özlem Gök, Özlem Karatoprak, Turgay İsbir. Diyabetik nefropatide myeloperoksidaz gen polimorfizminin incelenmesi. Diabet Bilimi, Kasım 2010, Cilt 8/ Sayı 6; 227-231.
- Gürsel Turgut, Arzu Özcan, Ercan Çakmak, Lütfü Baş, Soner Tatlıdede, Oğuz Öztürk, Bedia Ağaçhan, Ümit Zeybek and Arzu Ergen: Paraoxonase-1 192 enzyme polymorphism in non-syndromic clefting: In patients and parents, Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology 7(1): 67-74, 2008
- Bedia Ağaçhan, Hülya Yılmaz, Oğuz Öztürk, H.Arzu Ergen, C.Selim İşbir: Aterosklerozda apolipoprotein E, okside-LDL ve lipid profili ilişkisinin araştırılması. F.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Dergisi 2005, 19(3), 193-197
- Ağaçhan, Bedia. Yılmaz, Hülya. İsbir, Turgay. Kolesterol Ester Transfer Protein ve Koroner Arter Hastalığı. Diabet Bilimi, 184-189, Eylül 2005.
- Ağaçhan, Bedia. Yılmaz, Hülya. İsbir, Turgay. Esansiyel Hipertansiyonda Renin Anjiyotensin Sistemi Genlerinin Etkisi. Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 28-34, Şubat 2004.
- Oğuz Öztürk, Turgay İSBİR : Detoksifikasyon enzimleri ve akciğer kanserleri. İTF Dergisi,Cilt 67, Sayı 3, 179-187 (2004)
- Öztürk O., H.A. Ergen, N. Bozkurt, İ. Yaylım, B. Ağaçhan, , E. Kalay, Ü. Zeybek, T. İsbir, “The role of free radicals in gastric carcinoma patients”, Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 12, (6), 203-204, (2003).
- Ağaçhan, Bedia. Yılmaz, Hülya. Kızıltan, Güneş. İsbir, Turgay. Demansiyel Olgularda Apolipoprotein E ve Angiyotensin Konverting Enzim Gen Polimorfizmlerinin Plazma Malondialdehid Düzeyleri ile İlişkisi. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 128-131,Temmuz-Eylül 2003.
- Avkan Oğuz V, S Dodanlı, I Yıldırım, O Öztürk. N Sarıgüzel, E Seber,: Metisilin Dirençli Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Prevelansının Farklı Yöntemlerle Araştırılması. Flora 6(3): 178-183, 2001.
- Aydın, Makbule. Yılmaz, Hülya. Ağaçhan, Bedia. Öztürk, Oğuz. Yaylım, İlhan. İsbir, Turgay. Lipid Peroxidation, Zinc and Magnesium Concentrations in Hypertensive Patients. Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 82-85, Nisan 2000.
- Ağaçhan, Bedia. Yılmaz, Hülya. Aydın, Makbule. İsbir, Turgay. Apoliprotein E’nin Yapısı ve Lipid Metabolizmasındaki Rolü. Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 13-16, Nisan 1999.
- Ağaçhan, Bedia. Yılmaz, Hülya. Aydın, Makbule. İsbir, Turgay. Apolipoprotein E’nin Beyindeki Metabolizması. Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 24-27, Ocak 1999.
- Ağaçhan, Bedia. Yılmaz, Hülya. Aydın, Makbule. Kızıltan, Güneş. İsbir, Turgay. Parkinson Hastalarında Apolipoprotein E Gen Polimorfizminin Lipid Profilleriyle İlişkisi. Eger Tıp Dergisi, 75-79, Mayıs-Ağustos 1999.
- Yılmaz, H. Ağaçhan, B. Aydın, M. İsbir, T. Effects of Smoking on Serum Lipid Profile in Patients with Myocardial Infarction. İstanbul Eczacılık Fakültesi Mecmuası, 32: 52-54, 1998.
- Palanduz Ş, C Taşçıoğlu, N Erten, M A Karan, K Cefle, K Güler, O Öztürk. S Öztürk: A Probable Case of MEN 1 Syndrome Presenting with Intractable Peptic Ulcer Disease and Episodic Confusion. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 28; 4; 451-455, 1998
- Aktan M. O Öztürk. H Keskin, Y Tangün: Psödotrombositopeninin Pratikteki önemi. Sendrom 8(5):15-17,1996.
- Tetikkurt C., O Öztürk: Atipik Dressler Sendromlu Bir Vaka Sunumu. Istanbul Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 59(1): 102-104,1996.
- Taşçıoğlu C, Ş Erdem, G Dinçol, O Öztürk: Bir Prolenfositer lösemi Vakası Takdimi. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 56:99-102, 1993.
- Palanduz Ş, O. Öztürk, G Erdoğan: Familial Osteodisplasia (Anderson Syndrome) Bir Vaka Takdimi. Journal of Turkish Medicine Association 58:287-292, 1992
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of CYP1A1 Gene Polymorphism (Nco1 Ve Msp1)
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : NAT2 Genotyping (11 Mutation analysis)
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of Gstm1 Gene Polymorphism
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of Gstt1 Gene Polymorphism
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of Gstp1 Gene Polymorphism
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of Cyp1a2 Gene Polymorphism
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of Cyp1b1 Gene Polymorphism
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of Cyp17 Gene Polymorphism
- Pharmacogenetics Panel : Detection of Cyp19 Gene Polymorphism
- Gene Polymorphisms of Vitamine D Receptor (Taq, Fok, Bsm1) and measurement of 25 OH Vitamine D levels (Osteoporosis Panel)
- Paraoxanase Gene Polymorphisms (PON1 55, PON1 192)
- Obesity Panel (Adiponectin, Leptin, Dopamin D2, Resistin,PPAR-gama)
- M30 and M65 Panel
- PPAR Panel (PPAR alpha L162V, PPARbeta/delta +294 T/C, PPARgamma C161T and Pro12Ala)
- Hypercoagulability Panel CYP2C9-VKORC1 (Warfarin)
- Oncology Panel (UGT1A1)
- Oncology Panel (5FU)
- Tumor chemosensitivity assay (Oncograph Panel) (4 drug set)
- Tumor chemosensitivity assay (Oncograph Panel) (8 drug set)
- Chemokine Panel (MCP-1, SDF-1, CCR5-59029, CXCR4, CCR2, CCR5-delta32)
- Multiple Drug Resistance Gene Panel (MDR1 C1236T and C3435T Gene Polymorphisms)
- DNA Repair Gene Panel
- BRCA 1 and 2 Full Gene Analysis
- Apoptotic Genes Polymorphism Panel (Survivin, TRAIL, TRAILDR4, FAS, FASL, Caspase8)
- Cell Cycle Genes Panel ( CCDN1, CDKN1, mdm2, p16)
- Detection of Trace Element (Zinc)
- Detection of Trace Element (Copper)
- FCC Worldlab 2014 Congress, Istanbul, 22-26 June, 2014, hosted by the Turkish Biochemical Society.
- The 2014 FEBS Congress will take place as a joint anniversary event with the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) – as the
FEBS–EMBO 2014 Conference.
The event will be hosted by the French Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SFBBM), 30th August – 4th September 2014, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France.
– 24.Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, “Tip2 Diyabetli Hastalarda Myeloperoksidaz Ve Glutamat-Sistein Ligaz Katalitik Altbirim Gen Polimorfizmlerinin İncelenmesi.” Yunus Emre Ekşi, Zeynep Ermiş Karaali, İhsan Nalkıran, Ümit Zeybek, Arzu Ergen, Poster Ödülü. 25-28 Eylül 2012, Konya
– Türk Toraks Derneği 15. Yıllık Kongresi, “Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığında miRNA’ların Biyomarker Olarak Rolünün Araştırılması” – Akbas F, Coskunpinar E, Aynaci E, Oltulu YM, Yildiz P. KOAH Çalışma Grubu En İyi Bildiri Ödülü 11-15 Nisan 2012, Antalya
– Klinik Biyokimya Uzmanları Derneği 6. Ulusal Kongresi “Variköz Ven Hastalarında MMP-2 -735 Gen Polimorfizminin Etkisinin Araştırılması” Özlem Timirci Kahraman, Uzay Görmüş, Bahar Toptaş, Özlem Küçükhüseyin, H. Arzu Ergen, Turgay İsbir, Poster üçüncülük ödülü, Çeşme, 22-25 Eylül 2010.
– X.ulusal Türk Biyokimya Kongresi “Reseptör 5Δ32 Polimorfizminin Preeklampsi Patogenezindeki Rolü” Gürdöl F, Ağaçhan B, Öztürk Ü, Yurdum LM ,İşbilen E., CC Kemakin, Poster birincilik ödülü, Fethiye,15-18 Nisan 2010
– II. Klinik Biyokimya ve Kanser Sempozyumu, Sözlü Sunum Birincilik Ödülü, S.Umit Zeybek, 2004.
– Altan Günalp İkincilik Ödülü, H.Arzu Ergen, 7.Ulusal Tıbbi Biyoloji Kongresi 18-21 Eylül 2001 Eskişehir “Is there any association between Apolipoprotein E and angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dementia in Turkish Population? Neuroscience Res Com 27:165-173, 2000.
– 35 Ulusal Diyabet Kongresi Serbest Bildiri Üçüncülük Ödülü, Ş.Ümit Zeybek, 1999.
– 17. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi Poster Birincilik Ödülü, S.Umit Zeybek, 1998.
Istanbul University
Aziz Sancar Institute of Experimental Medicine
Department of Molecular Medicine
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